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André Toulon

Abyss Watcher
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Everything posted by André Toulon

  1. My ex used to call them me-mes. I don't miss that shit at all. No idea why it irked me so....but most things do
  2. Y'all know I like Mexican food. It didn't come like this, I just dumped everything on one plate What I don't get is why can't I ever just order food without someone wanting to dig in my plate.
  3. Done that too...and I started it
  4. Tried boiling your teeth huh. Next time ask first, because if it's dumb, I've done it
  5. Some TV dinner thing... streamable by healthy choice or something. It was chicken, mushrooms and rice.
  6. I'll be back after I Google ebike
  7. We came from this. We can only go forward
  8. Demon Souls kinda sucks. I played it last year and just fucking quit at the Dirty Golem stage. I've beaten the game before and I wasn't going thru that shit again. I usually don't puss out so easily but I remember my PS3 fan sounding like a lawnmower from the amount of time I put into beating the original
  9. It's terrible. I get it...it's DB with almost any character you want to play as with a few different game mods, but what it really is, is a fetch quest for all the bullshit outfits and upgrades just to use them in arcade and then be absolutely useless in PVP. 🔳🔳🔳🔼, then spam ⭕ to reverse or get into a 30 second vanishing match until you're both out of ki is tedious. The alternate timelines is kinda cool. Killing Cell in his base form and skipping all the Goku dumbassery and theatrics is a treat, but old after you see them once. I still like that arc more than anything....instead of fighting the androids....let's just jump Cell😂 Oh, as far as unbalanced, definitely....There's about 8 god tier characters that you can pick and beat just about anyone because of their high Hp, auto dodging, low ki costs. So if you see one, there goes the fun unless you're playing with another S rank yourself. UI Goku destroys anyone with less than 6 life bars...for reference, SSG Goku has 5 life bars, SS3 has 4, and every other Goku has 3 or less. Daima Goku is on par with Android saga Piccolo. Not even DB Super Pic...fucking Android Pic. Which may be accurate, but an unlockable characters that are weaker than base game characters is just trash
  10. Worst game purchases/downloads of 2024 1. DB SPARKING ZERO. (#1 because this game is awful...I get button mashers and people who like pretty lights enjoy it, but it's ass as a game....it's by far the most popular game on this list, but DBZnerds gonna DBZ.) 2. Silent Hill: The Short Message (Want a game that has 0 to do with Silent Hill other than it's a ghost story shoved into the SH universe, despite being as far as you can get from the location...here ya go. Enjoy this Hour and a half 🚮) 3. Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League (Marvel Fanboi, but I don't hate DC, and really thought this has potential...booted it up once and can't bring myself to suffer through another minute.) 4. WWE 2K24 (it was free like 3 months after it released....do with that what you will) 5. Rise of Ronin (just to be clear, it isn't a bad game...it just got on the list because I like the other games I picked up last year way more... Everything doesn't need an open world, and some of the enemies just look stupid. Like it's more reality than fantasy and magic and Yokai like Team Ninja's usual fare, and these character designs were definitely phoned in..Like this is a human...Why does he have this huge upper body, and stumpy legs like Bluto. But more than anything else, I hate the idea of "open world" meaning 80% of this map is useless, open space with nothing to gain by traversing it. Just about every time you go "ooh, what's this"...it's nothing)
  11. Domino's pasta bowl...and I got some reception food waiting for a munchie attack
  12. Happy birthday to me too. $99.99, you say. We've gofunded me for less.... who's in.
  13. Thx....I really didn't want to go back and add that question mark
  14. Dude, scroll up and read it again. I'll edit in a ? Since I rarely punctuate other than .... But if you can't be bothered, I'll just assume he's done nothing of note and the furthering of tech and cost effectiveness is due to someone else's hard work. Is that fair?
  15. Oh, well if you watch....one of them...not even sure which, he survived, got to shore and his mother found him. I would spoiler that but I'm lazy and that pretty key lore so even if you had never seen them, you can probably put 2+2 together.... especially after the ending of the first one
  16. .....wut? Do you think I'm Benji too .... nevermind, you probably wouldn't get that one. But no....I'm asking what I asked.... You'll excuse me if I don't type it again. Not sure what my question has to do with his moral compass at all
  17. I'm asking. Besides launching a car into space, what breakthroughs...financial or craft wise, is he responsible for. Again, I'm asking because while I do have a huge interest in what's out there, I don't keep up with the business side much
  18. I like to think one of us would just steal money. I can't imagine stealing something that's prone to breaking just by a jostle.
  19. Or is it SlimBookie now
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