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André Toulon

Abyss Watcher
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Everything posted by André Toulon

  1. The cyber truck is an atrocity by itself. Not how it performs, not the price tag, not even the mob hate for the fucker responsible for them. They are just an eyesore outright. Not a single person that wasn't compensating for something bought one...wealthy or not.
  2. Y'all get this awesome pic that shows my keyboard remembers this and I am truly wasting my life here
      • 1
      • Haha
  3. A grilled chicken and egg white sammich from CFA that I got this morning but never had time to eat.
  4. What does your Internet history look like and if you don't have anyone yet, I volunteer to delete it if anything should happen to you.
  5. Omfg, is this week over yet. I just need the weekend. Just need some uninterrupted sleep and a clean pantry.
  6. Hbd dude
  7. Oh she died? I've been seeing her all over my feed but I kept scrolling. Rip.
  8. I actually have this exact experience but wasn't going to post that as the norm because I know the law doesn't apply to me....I thought I was so smart representing myself to the judge on the TV and they were like 🤷🏿‍♂️....you been in there for 7 days, time served and here's your fine....when you paying that shit?
  9. Not to be that guy, and I'm not sure if this is everywhere or state by state but in some places, from what I understand, violent suspects don't have to be mirandized.
  10. Hearing bats tell supe to change his name to Stank Dick Drawers Man will never not be funny to me. (Parody, not canonical)
  11. Musk has 2 left feet....I wish there was a better joke than bad dancer I could apply here.
  12. ....I did... because I was tro.... I'm starting to realize this is going nowhere and I'm just going to eject.
  13. I should inform you that I was indeed trolling. I can't even say I eat much bacon. Had it the first time this year a few days ago because someone else cooked breakfast. And I frankly don't even care about the pizza thing...I like anchovies. Just can't get them.
  14. Why do sirens get slower the further away they get from when you initially hear them
  15. My hands are getting weaker by the day. I had so much trouble getting the oil cap off my engine today...almost asked for help, but as a man....the only option was to spend 5 minutes playing through the pain
  16. So let me see if I'm reading this right. People believe stupid shit they saw, then you debunk it and their retaliation is to say you're neurodivergent and therefore can't understand? Now myself, I don't even bother contesting anyone's beliefs....waste of time and energy, but aren't you doing the same to them by saying they can't get you because they lack the ability to analyze? I'm actually asking since I'm not fully sure if I'm reading this right.
  17. 🤦🏿‍♂️
  18. It has nothing on ghost and goblins...and with the gold armor, you basically don't need to try save for the sometimes wonky platforming. Scythe magic is so OP.
  19. *Squints* ..... 🤔 🧐 ....is anyone gonna tell her?
  20. Last week for me. My YT sometimes plops me dead center of old cartoons because of the shit I watch
  21. I ignored it because obviously trolling...if not, poor guy has a mental deficiency and you don't make light of that
  22. It was more than that...I saw him on PSN a few weeks ago but I don't think he replied
  23. Fr, helping mfers out always bites me in my ass. I swear off even acknowledging people's bullshit for years then one day say " You know what, this person deserves help and it won't hurt me to just offer a little....next thing you know BAM regret
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