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André Toulon

Abyss Watcher
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Everything posted by André Toulon

  1. I'm still disappointed I missed this very obvious opportunity
  2. I do like that mama gets me
  3. Smooth move pardoning him last term, Donnie.... He'll definitely shuck and jive for ya.
  4. I'm holding fast to the idea that two snot nosed brats can't play well with each other for too long
  5. Nah, got a couple chicken sandwiches from BK when I took my daughter to work. I passed by and was like why not.
  6. Probably SB...I had 2 and only ate one...I kinda want catfish but I'm in no mood to cook after cleaning the kitchen
  7. I HAVE to, my shit literally hurts if I don't.
  8. Lmfao, the Pardon CZAR?....Is that an actual thing Got that nasty old token negro thing out of the way.
  9. ....but.....but why tho
  10. I....don't know what else to call her. I find it funny my son still call his mom "Mommy" (he's about to be 16) but he calls me "father". And I know why, his PSN friends heard him call me daddy years ago and the picked on him...which is fine, I mean I don't want a 16 year old dude calling me daddy either....but his alternative of father is just so anime. I always feel like he's coming to my room telling me about the Shinobi that have breached the Tori gate of some shit...."Father....is that your Gatorade in the fridge" and I reply just as dramatically "My son....my heir. You may take the Gatorade...IF YOU CAN BEST ME IN GUILTY GEAR. NOW SHOW ME YOUR POWER, BOY" *makes power up noises with my mouth"
  11. Thx for playing along uwp
  12. SB and this new thing....well not new but they are promoting their chili burger. It was 2 bucks so why not. It's a SB on a hamburger bun. A bit off putting to look at but honestly it was ok.
  13. ....don't tell anyone else this
  14. I need a close shave and no Norelco, Remington, or anything else can do what I need them to
  15. Ok cool... because if I'm being a dick, I will definitely tell you...I was just confused and kind concerned because do I like have ultra instinct dickishness now. But I can understand that in a direct quote reply, it can be interpreted personally... probably could have worded it better
  16. I...don't feel like I did. I made the joke like I didn't know what cleaning a room was...I was like nah, just to solidify that I was kidding....then I confessed my hoarding nature and disdain for food items being left around so it didn't sound like I was sleeping with Cheetos or some shit. Wanted to be clear on what I meant by clutter.... Then I did that thing where I should end my post but I keep typing because my brain hasn't opened the memo about the point being made 12 sentences ago.
  17. I....didn't say you did. I'll go reread to see if I implied it.
  18. I would spend 60% of my day clawing my face with my unclipped nails.
  19. I mean, it was a joke....I don't actually think is supposed to work like that😂 It's just reads like more more neck stomping by the ones in power. "Hey, the people have money ....doesn't that belong to us? Let's raise our prices and blame it something other than corporate greed. Just to 180 to, ok, ok ...we got the thing that was forcing us to charge so much has leveled off, so prices can go down....but to that end, we're gonna have to let most of you go...were just not making the money to keep you..... And the cycle continues I don't know shit about Argentina either, but I've seen the movie several times
  20. Wait, did I get that pic from here... because that's Twitter, isn't it? I don't frequent that place.
  21. I was like she's not a user....but then I was like who TF is gonna stop me ... I guess I'll actually try to find a relevant pic for you, mom. Well .....uuuum...she was arrested in the same decade as your birth. 🤷🏿‍♂️
  22. Not mine. This is my daughter's cat. It does not live here, but due to freezing weather and circumstances that made me fold and allow it over here, I give you, Kitty It's a more complex name than is implied, but surprise, finally a story I don't feel like telling
  23. I mean.... isn't that exactly how that shitty sliding scale is supposed to work.
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