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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. I LOVE that he said he was a PR/Marketing manager in some kind of firm..... Like, he was on here.. ALL THE FUCKING TIME, no fucking way... those people are more coked out than the project managers or code monkeys. Not me though..... cocaine and vodka is the only thing keeping me going these days.... heh heh... IS HE JOKING?! Nah... just booze.... TICC is a douche...... always has been, and always will be... he got spit out by IB and then became our problem in POD6, but not really a problem more of something to kick around, and then we got bored of him and he kicked his "game" up with just ridiculous threads and become instantly more boring, to the point where we just ignored him. We in POD6 demand better trolls and dickheads...... Anyways, what was I saying? It's about 6:14am EST, and the temperature is 58 degrees.... now for sports!
  2. Ahhhh 'member when we had a nice gore thread going on the dev boards for a bit because it was the wild fuckin' west? I 'member. REEEKT.
  3. Have you considered killing animals for no reason?
  4. Fair enough. I use it for comedic fodder.
  5. Jesus this is pathetic.
  6. Great thread shithead.
  7. Why did you deactivate it?
  8. Jesus, this is all you have anymore, huh? Same old tired ass fuck threads?
  9. Thanks for the change.
  10. Oh no worries... I forgot it was even there. Also, ya I haven't seen him on my radar at all for quite some time.
  11. Piss infected rectal wart
  12. Hi Admin[/member] Rank name - Fights for Users Hex - #F39C12
  13. You suck dick for nickels man.
  14. Damn, didn't know you knew him like that.... I didn't know much about him, other than I used to skate in Philly with Rob and the Jackass guys. The show never did much for me, but its cool hearing you talk about how humble he was after MTV shot him off in to fame. I didn't read the articles, how did he pass?
  15. I say kill them all.
  16. I mean, if it is and he wants to jump ship to a new forum.... that doesn't bode well for any support if that is the ilk that will be participating. Just assume it is him and burn the message. I could definitely tell if it was him though if you would like a second set of eyes on that bitch.
  17. I'm not gay... he sucks my dick.
  18. Speaking of kids that suck dick.....
  19. He's my faggot daddy
  20. Fuck I wanna be banned. Rogue is a fag and has terrible taste in cars. Punish me.
  21. Blasted all my leads this morning, sent all emails out at 2am, and met up with a big client at 11am to nail down a $6.7m deal. Time for GTA.
  22. That was your busted ass car and slum house?
  23. That was a pretty clear cut case of abuse of power, you know that, right?
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