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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. I do... kinda. Just massively depressed and I know how happy that makes you.
  2. She really died... you insensitive faggots and fat nigs.
  3. This is like, almost the most n word shit I have seen in about a week.
  4. She died. :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap:
  5. Man, she is one disgusting slam pig.
  6. nobody clickin that shit nigggggggggg
  7. Sawdamizer


    Prince of Space Time Chasers Hobgoblins In that order.
  8. You fucking are awful at shit and things. This is like..... awful. KYS.
  9. Poof, just fucking move to Cape Cod and peg me already... I will pay you in drugs.
  10. My rank is gay ass fuck. Change my shit to, "Asster blaster" or, "Big Dick" Or, "Fuckboi"
  11. I've never been to space, yet. So I rely on information to tell me that the planet isn't flat..... That being said, given the evidence I have seen about it being flat and the uncertainty around how magnets even work...... It might be flat. Also, dogs can't look up.
  12. I think I have jacked off to Poof..... I got intrigued when she was always calling in to fishcenter and then I had to look her up and I scratched my balls and.... well, oh well.
  13. Still waiting to hear back from my attorney on if it is even legal in this country.....
  14. Quit lyin' like I didn't get your dick hard too. And you are taking methadone still?
  15. Nope. And why the fuck is this thread pinned now?! We need to let this shit just die in a fire.... at some point.
  16. Cause you a respectful thot.
  17. I'll give it a try at least. But no one has guessed it yet.
  18. Hold up, I will be back in exactly 3 hours.
  19. I would.... This place sucks dicks.
  20. Getting warmer.... but just a little.
  21. Come hang, I got you.
  22. Wrong continent.
  23. Fuck man, do you even know me?
  24. :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: My porn fetish has changed and I can't stop now. I can't tell you what it is.... but I would like if you would all take a guess? Be nice though, I am sensitive.
  25. Vodka it is.
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