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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. A video pop up on my timeline which was titled "Final Fantasy VII: The sequel nobody asked for" Of course I just had click on it just to see the comments and... yeah nothing says lack of creativity than using a misleading title
  2. Lol at USA hockey fans crying that Canada a bullshit mid season tournament that means nothing in long term. Who cares let them have because chances are that none of Canadian franchises will win the Stanley Cup so let them have their Four Nations title I'll settle for the Stanley Cup any day of the week.
  3. This song goes hard I don't care what anyone says
  4. Hasn't given up on his dream of being a door to door book salesman
  5. Got banned from all Carrot Top shows for excessive heckling
  6. Thsese pretzels are making him thirsty
  7. Played a monster of the week on a episode of Power Rangers
  8. Met a woman from Tokyo
  9. Despite his avatar has never actually played Chrono Trigger
  10. Is trying to solve the mystery of the purple stuff in the old Sunny D commericials
  11. Does the chicken dance with acutal chickens
  12. Served in G.I. Joe
  13. Served in the French Foreign Legion
  14. Even though I prefer dubs over subs there's one series no matter what I will always watch the subbed version over the dubbed and that is Dragon Ball Z.
  15. Is a successful exorcist
  16. Welp my crockpot died so there goes that dinner so I'm going with a couple of baked potatoes and white rice. Fortunately I own a second crockpot so I'll do the whole chicken again on Sunday.
  17. Is a descendant of Shemp
  18. I'm still sick had some tea this morning and threw it right back up. I don't go back to work until Friday so hopefully I'll be better by then
  19. Just put a whole chicken in the crockpot
  20. Has mastered the chapman stick
  21. Used to be a practioner in psychic surgery
  22. Used to date Candyman
  23. Has a restraining order on Santa Claus
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