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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. I don't why I'm so tired today, it seems like I've been sleeping most of the day
  2. Can't get pass the first boss in Chrono Trigger
  3. Is currently writing a musical based on Queensryche's Operation MIndcrime album
  4. Currently works as a paranormal investigator
  5. Stole TrigunBebop's balloons
  6. Has given a dislike to every single video ever posted on YouTube
  7. If you don't want to do the job that you were hired to do then why are you even here in the first place, just to be an oxygen thief?
  8. Looked up a strategy guide for pong
  9. Got banned from the Georgia Aquarium
  10. Can I have my name changed to Mode 7?
  11. Co-wrote Because I got High
  12. Played the bass and saxaphone on the Night Court theme song
  13. My Top 10 Favorite TV theme songs 1. Mystery Science Theater 3000 2. Unsolved Mysteries 3. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 4. Law and Order: Criminal Intent 5. The A-Team 6. Salute Your Shorts 7. Night Court 8. The Adventures of Pete and Pete 9. Perfect Strangers 10. In The Heat of the Night
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