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Everything posted by BlackNoir

  1. I have no clue who that is....like im pretty sure I've never even heard that name referenced.... What folder did they frequent
  2. Maybe you thought Moparman/GreenHornet
  3. Nice, but you know what I really wanted to see here.
  4. John Redcorn is such a chode
  5. Dude, do you not remember introducing me to this
  6. I googled 1992 space movie and now i dont know how to feel.
  7. ....I guess that's a typo and should say ear furnishings....because otherwise, I find it more weird than adorable.
  8. you just know this guy got locked up and converted for protection....Sorry, I don't have much to offer after reading that.
  9. I mean, its not like they knew and they bailed as soon as it came to light....not like chick fil a whose ceo shunned gays and stayed in his position for a while...or papa john....which is why we don't support shaq sellout ass
  10. ......i mean, i actually did....
  11. It's strange how many times I've seen that comic and yet I never remember it until I see it again.
  12. This thread is truly special. A new era of uemb emerges. I cant wait for more
  13. Damn, well my kids will trigger tf outta you
  14. It reminds me of something....I wanna say lil ninja bros, but it's something else....No, not Pocky and Rocky either. But it's like some Olympic minigame shit or something....It's some cool time killers.
  15. Thank you. I was just about to get in my feelings....now i remember why i keep my distance.
  16. ITT I learned pigeon tastes like soap..... I think you guys and the cilantro people are doing something wrong.
  17. How i can fuck up today
  18. No glasses, so I thought this said faces.....The OP made no sense after that and I had to start over
  19. Mixing this with his P and F thread....i crossed this road as well.
  20. You stocked rubbing alcohol....how old are you again
  21. Now im thinking about nutting $5 again
  22. .......i know im high, and i have a question....but i know, no matter the answer, im going to feel stupid
  23. No one is arguing, i just needed to hear it because having never heard it and trying to formulate it myself wasnt instilling confidence in me that i was hearing what you were saying.... And now hearing it....i just.....i need to process this.
  24. Did you try to link that vid at the time of the word.....because there is no way im sitting throuugh 40+ minutes of anything
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