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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Legal age is legal. Age gaps do exist and even though I wouldn't date an 18 year old, who knows what I might do when I reach MILF status. I don't condone you pointing out age as the only requirement though, who knows what vibe you will find with people if you don't come off as a creep.
  2. Going to soon. Neice went to ED today...
  3. next to last one. The.one that is mostly black.
  4. another duck thread!
  5. what's wrong with your sphincter?
  6. Neko

    dik pics

    found it!
  7. random
  8. Neko

    dik pics

    I imagine there is suppose to be a duck picture somewhere in here.
  9. Love it!!!!!
  10. I shave more than you. It's kinda sad though but the point is not to shave.
  11. 2018 baby!! Time for turkey, giblets and getting fat! You know what time it is and you know you want it, this year we're going to have a $35 limit. This is secret santa and completely random, I have no control over who get paired but I can do a second drawing for those who are pissy pants. Post yer name and I could put ya in a random name generating machine and see if you pair up with someone early enough to exchange information and get each other gifts. Plan is to get a list going by 12/1/18 pr earlier so that we can have you a partner and redraw for those who havent echanged infomation by 12/5/18. Serious players only. NO creepy shit. Don't go to anyone houses and please do not give out anyone's information. For what it is worth, use a post office and a wishlist to keep anonymity. Also you can use board names although I have ran into issues with some post offices wanting to have real names so that it can coincide with an ID. However you want to do it with your partner, do it...just remember to use protection. One gift idea is to post your amazon gift list, or just ignore it and go with your gut instinct. Neko's Master plan...i mean Amazon wishlist 'tis the season! Happy Thanksgivingmas! Paypal is useful. So are lists. Please exchange information wisely. As always safety first so no weird stalkerish shit. Please be nice. It's about as safe as having a penpal so if you are comfortable with that, you should be good. Please no dirty underwear in mail! Gag gifts are ok as long as you both are on the same page about it. Nothing unsafe, biohazard, harmful or of memetic descriptions. Act your age, not your shoe size mama, and maybe we can do the twirl!!! Sign up below and the list will be updated accordingly Y'all did good this year, it will be a great pairing. Please feel free to get whomever you would like to get a gift on your own also. 'Tis the season. First drawing is up Christmasbus list 2018 Vamped lupin_bebop Vodkajellyshot Admin_Raptorpat Mini_Ghost Sawdamizer Athena 92 Naraku4656 -Three way with Kidney Quackers EmpressAngel GuyBeardmane Neko Still Me Fuggs Zeni This is the first randomized list. Please feel free to let me know if you want a re-draw. Exchange info in pms
  12. I make more than a disability check, so taking one would be at a disadvantage. I work at a low stress job but I stress at unrelated reasons...like all the time. Wish that we had medical marijuana and chill psychologists on speed down. I need an exorcism....
  13. Yea, the batteries...and I know that a gas engine produces electricity but how many service vehicles that would be required to be switched out would cost a lot.
  14. I'm itching.
  15. Too much money to switch until the price of electric engines go down and the cost becomes more effective.
  16. I make that as a nurse...a bit more but I spend all of it. Financially I'm pretty fucked.
  17. YAY!! I'm a DDD also! Losing weight the slow hard way though... I'm eating this Chinese food tonight though I only have a few tiddy pics though. One day I will miss them. I saw my tiddys after weight loss before...just smaller versions of something sad.
  18. Dude...I'm sure I've been there. Let's play final destination the musical!
  19. Complicated order since I have 3 jobs, but it ends with me getting the elderly high and wiping ass.
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