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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Sorry boo, hope you feel better. Headaches are no joke.
  2. Thunk about it, talked to Pat before your post, he decided to do it. Will re-draw on the 5th when it all irons out. If I do it now, there will be a lot of changes until then. You're good, it'll work out. Thanks for posting.
  3. I'll redraw...but I have to post the pic of the original drawing. Next redraw will be on the 5th. I'll see if I can find a mate for them then.
  4. I have one also. His name is MoJo JoJo. Love him to bits.
  5. sure, but you know...I can cloak in my room.
  6. fucker knows people need it for real purposes.
  7. I have one valium left. I'm waiting for when I really need it. Took my last tramadol took my metxalone Took my gabapentin. took my volteren and a fyckin ibuprophen cause fuck it ate all of my cbd candies. and took my anti psychotics Gonna RIP my leg off next
  8. some random guy bought the rights to it. I think he's a painter.
  9. I do the candy. Better because this herniated disc is driving me crazy.
  10. I want to paint my whole room in it. Working night shift, it really would help during the day
  11. Good question.... ...fuck it.
  12. like all were instant except scoobdog....'cause yoinks, scooby doo.
  13. An amazing sex partner....
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