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Everything posted by Neko

  1. Trim that shit...man feel I know that beard hurts.
  2. I can see you working in a card/comic book store. Last need out session I had there, I'm sure that I met at least one guy there that looks like you. As a matter of fact, like 4 of y'all long brown haired guys with beards are running around up here and discord.
  3. I have the plague
  4. A few weeks ago.
  5. I'm at work
  6. Itsa me, Mario!
  7. Tits have been shown
  8. You'd be a pretty hot trap
  9. Neko

    It's 3am

    No chill man....there's no chill.
  10. Neko

    It's 3am

    Anger God. No I no sleep at all...ever. Kinda just go into an angry void....that doesn't stop talking...ever. And the hands...so many hands.
  11. I just bought a dollar one from dollar tree... you can buy either from wish.com
  12. Financed care available.
  13. Salted Caramel. Red eye, with...one espresso and one breakfast or medium bodied coffee. 2 splenda and non dairy coffee creamer. extra salted carmel pumps. Pumpkin spice for right now. 1/3 cup sugar free french vanilla cappuccino. 3 1/2 pumps of pumpkin spice top with espresso coffee or dark roast. 2 cinnamon spice creamers. 5 non dairy vanilla creamers. 1/2 to one packet of salt.
  14. Haven't cried in years even though i need the emotional let go of letting go fucked up experiences. I need them to stop...immediately but it's thrown up in my face through memories.
  15. My shit devolved to "That's why you don't have any kids" by now. I prolly can't and i'm not having sex so...yea. I don't date and I don't trust many people's intentions. I learned that mistrust through only a few people but it really fucked my head up trying to think like someone else about shit that has happened in the past...like why think about a fuck up so much that you fuck up.... fuck it. I might buy sperm the way this is going but I don't want to end up selfishly a single parent. And i don't want to give anyone and unfair disadvantage. Dick usually gets me into trouble anyway... Treat is as dirty until proven clean...nursing career paranoia of looking at and smelling off shit and sticking swabs in errythang. I'm too grown for this shit.
  16. Happy belated!!!
  17. Seizure potatos?
  18. Why didn't you take your toy. 2 minutes and you're done
  19. Sure...blue_apple or blue_apple01...on yahoo, like anyone use that shit any more.
  20. Lol, grill...like this year, next year I won't be in the country. Tell mom's happy belated
  21. Ok.
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