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Everything posted by Neko

  1. I'm making pork chops and gravy
  2. I'm serious, please go now if possible
  3. I wanna steak
  4. Yes could be endometriosis. Or any number of things. Please see your gyno ASAP
  5. Neko

    No Fap '19

  6. Neko

    No Fap '19

    Choice that you made independent of circumstances
  7. Neko

    No Fap '19

    Choice in your favor?
  8. Neko

    2019 sucks

    I can't go back, might damage it.
  9. Had spiders outside of me
  10. Neko

    No Fap '19

    Is this a goal or a choice?
  11. That is the most random inane shit that I would think that I would have to worry about here.... But after over thirty years, naw.... Except in Virginia...
  12. That's my duty as a nurse, people talk to me about anything. Most of the time I can't even with the long lines of illness with some people. Some people suffer so much in this world.
  13. I'm sure that sir is the most boring shit ever.
  14. Mucus buddy 🤩🤩
  15. You already have one. Squat more
  16. Weight loss. More friends. Big job opportunity. Good schools for my masters.
  17. Ready for him to get out of office.
  18. Welp I'm sold. Liquid beer cake sounds weird but I'm in.
  19. Need less instruments of destruction.
  20. Don't know if I would find that. Looks good.
  21. It's about subtle hints of whatever you are drinking. They prolly drunk enough till it tastes like that.
  23. Merry Christmas
  24. Neko

    Mah bleeding

    That's gross, what if they had long cycles?
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