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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. Try some Asian beer. Sapporo or Tsingtao. I like both, but many Westerners don't.
  2. Let's see how long it takes this time.
  3. *let party Agreed.
  4. I think Kamala will win by a larger margin than 2024, and I am prepared to eat my words if I'm wrong.
  5. Have you ever tried meditating while lying in bed? It honestly helps me fall asleep.
  6. I'm half-Japanese and have had it prepared in Japan by chefs before, along with having it more casual settings. I like sushi, but honestly, it doesn't even rank in my top ten favorite Japanese foods.
  7. One thing I like about my apartment is that I can walk to the grocery store, although their prices aren't the best. I did today and then I forgot the bag of apples at the self checkout. Five dollars wasted. 😭
  8. Quite symbolic of Kamala to hold her rally in Pittsburgh at an old blast furnace, a relic from the industrial age. Meanwhile, Trump is holding his rally at the climate controlled hockey arena. Bread and circuses. And a fun fact: Allegheny county had more Republican votes than any other county in Pennsylvania in 2020, almost 300k votes. No other county had over 200k Republican votes. Democrats in this county still beat Republicans by 20 percentage points.
  9. I remember this post, just not that it happened here. I agree I can bring up my cultural background in an insufferable manner at times, but this was a particularly horrible thing to say.
  10. lol, I was pretty cringe in this thread. Oh well. C'est la vie.
  11. Originally, Harris was supposed to hold her rally in Pittsburgh at Point State Park. The Secret Service made her change her venue to an indoor one. I mean, this was just asking for an assassination attempt.
  12. I had mung daal for the first time today. Now, I can say I tried all the foods the major characters are named after on Chowder.
  13. McConnell's condemnation, the Iowa poll, and a desperate squirrel story . . . I just don't wanna celebrate too early. I hope Trump is suffering horribly right now.
  14. It's the perfect time to get into it, considering one side's attitude toward non-European immigrants.
  15. I hope Elon continues to push this story, makes people believe Trump made that statement but never officially acknowledges it, and then Trump ultimately loses and blames him. Kia had hamsters, Tesla had a squirrel and an oompa loompa.
  16. I can't take you seriously anymore. Cats and dogs are one thing, but squirrels and raccoons are fucking rodents and pests.
  17. The last time Republicans won the popular vote was in 2004 with George Bush. Before that was his father in 1988. In other words in a span of 36 years, Republicans have won the popular vote only once . . . and they will definitely lose it again this election, whether or not Trump wins the electoral college. What a shitty system we have in place.
  18. Just like Trump, he wan da Russian punani https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/2WDOpqeXCz
  19. Both candidates are holding rallies in Pittsburgh on Monday. Not gonna lie, a bit worried about my mail-in ballot just sitting in the nearby county election office. 😐
  20. I really wanna visit China . . . but I've said so many horrible things against their government that if I step foot there I'd probably never leave. 😐
  21. It's basically the same thing.
  22. I was watching After Midnight, and they had a magician doing a seance magic trick. He was pretending to summon a deceased celebrity. Several of the audience members wrote a name and put it in a box. The name chosen was Joe Biden. Politics aside, it completely ruined the vibe, aa obviously he's still alive. I was just as pissed as the magician.
  23. Five main tastes ranked in descending order: Umami - Savoriness makes everything better. MSG is love MSG is life. Salty - Also makes things taste better, most of the time. Sweet - Can easily be overdone and doesn't match many foods. Bitter - Normally associated with acquired tastes. Sour - Usually disgusting by itself, but good in certain combinations.
  24. That looks kinda like Teen Tirans to me.
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