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Everything posted by Insipid

  1. Biden's numbers here for Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are lower than Clinton's, but unlike her, he won those states. None of this shit is set in stone or sets a precendent or anything. I'll even make a "bold" claim now: Trump will lose the popular vote again for the third and hopefully final career-ending time.
  2. Dude, who cares? A hustle is a hustle. I just hope you realize this is a short term solution.
  3. Oh, God dammit. That Boss coffee thread should have given it away to me. I seriously thought he was this one black guy on the spectrum whose name I have long forgotten. Thanks for outting him, lol
  4. Sure, although duolingo has a placement test, and I imagine you'd skip way ahead of me. We could compare scores and practice writing French on the boards here. My duolingo sn is BakanaHannin. If anyone else reading this wants to add me too.
  5. I can make out so many words here from previous experience with Spanish before I used a translator. apprend - learn facile - easy And I once was interested in learning Latin, but these days I would much prefer to learn a living language.
  6. A group of an Englishman, Frenchman, Spaniard, and German is watching a parade. A guy in the parade asks them if they can see him clearly. "Yes." "Oui." "Si." "Ja."
  7. I don't wanna learn Catalan.
  8. Will Ferrell is funny when he's in a supporting role, like the CEO in Barbie and the father in The Oblongs. But when he's the main character, like in Elf or that god awful Talladega Nights, he's so insufferable. Maybe this isn't that unpopular of an opinion.
  9. Help me decide.
  10. 😥 I'll pitch in a little, even though I'm broke. Your hair is so matted. Please do something about that. A little self respect goes a long way.
  11. Happy birthday 🎂
  12. In my county, drop boxes are only available in the week prededing the election and are accessible in 8-hour supervised time periods per day. Nowhere else in PA is this strict with their drop boxes.
  13. meatcanyon posted this the same day I became champion. *kegelspasm*
  14. We miss you!
  15. I got my mail-in ballot today. In 2020, I waited two hours to vote and I think my case of covid I got was from being in that packed line. Not doing that shit again.
  16. Didn't she kill her pet bird?
  17. I sure love to be productive. 😭
  18. Trump is occasionally funny, I guess . . . "When Elon Musk came to the White House asking me for help on all of his many subsidized projects, whether it's electric cars that don't drive long enough, driverless cars that crash, or rocketships to nowhere, without which subsidies he'd be worthless, and telling me how he was a big Trump fan and Republican, I could have said, 'drop to your knees and beg,' and he would have done it."
  19. Well, a hurricane is about to hit the Floridian peninsula. This will undoubtedly affect the election there. If Democrats win there, I cannot wait to hear all the braindead takes over weather control. 🙄
  20. Way too many Americans are proud over mediocrity. There needs to be a huge humbling, somehow.
  21. I know apple said they would start supporting rcs this year on the ios. I see some of my contacts with iphones have rcs available now, but it doesn't seem to work the same way if they were android users. And some of the iphone users are still sms only. Whatever. I probably still show up as pleb green bubble. 🙄
  22. I'm hoping something happens like Trump actually wins Georgia, and all the effort he put into challenging the vote there becomes wasted, but he loses Florida.
  23. Tonkatsu. They put it on a bed of iceberg lettuce. What the fuck? It's supposed to be shredded cabbage. 🤬
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