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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Whatever bitches I what? I can have anime husbands just for passing Calculus?
  2. How do you feel about Guy Fawkes day?
  3. Lmao 🤣🤡 Luckily I made that class pass/no pass, so no letter grade. Now I just gotta pass. Lol
  4. I thought this was eluding to the 5th of November lol
  5. The homework part isn’t. I has midterm next week and I’m behind in work.
  6. Smoking, homework, sleep
  7. jackiemarie90


    The ethnic studies department does feel like a club. lol I'm lucky they are there.
  8. I love taking more than 1 shower a day but it can also really dry out your skin. lol I've been over washing my hands and feel them crack lately.
  9. Aren't boobs always on those premium channels?
  10. jackiemarie90


    Man I wish I had the time and organization for clubs right now. I'm mostly hanging out with people in my ethnic studies classes and other transfer peeps.
  11. You kinda sound like me, and I am starting to act a lil like you do. I've been kinda anti social lately too. I ditched a friend friday night with her playing music at a bar cause I wasn't really feeling the vibe and I felt like I couldn't talk to anyone there cause I wasn't into the same type of music as them. And then I stopped by a house party to raid alcohol >__> So basically left friend for a different party. Then today I only hung out at a small con for like 3 hours, and then ditched because I was too scared to talk to anyone. People were coming up to me too saying they recognize me from other local cons but I just felt hella awkward and left. I do remember you talking about not eating and lately that's been happening to me too. Like I don't like the taste food, even in some cases with weed, but again I really don't get that hard core stoned these days. Kinda drifting. Although I do think smoking a lot of cigarettes has been supressing my appetite and that's had an impact on how I feel about eating. Still, I'm forcing large bites of food down to have food in my system. Idk, I'm also under alot of stress and anxiety about school, deadlines and my family drama. Although for me I think it might be depression, everyone is different.
  12. 😮🤤
  13. 🍑
  14. jackiemarie90


    I passed out. Man I smoke a lot before bed to help me sleep. Yeah college party on a friday. It was fun but now I gotta catch up on homework lol
  15. I use metro pcs that ride on the t-mobile network. And indeed, I can say the coverage does suck even in the city. lol
  16. As a poor person, I for one like getting free shit like food and cheap ass gifts during these literal dark times of winter. lol
  17. Idk I gotta be responsible lol
  18. Halloween 2019 🎃👻
  19. jackiemarie90


    maybe. Maybe I just wanted to talk to some cool peeps.
  20. jackiemarie90


    Came back from a house party. Can't sleep just yet.
  21. it's aight. But like most technology, the best use comes from the user.
  22. Goodmorning to you too *waves back*
  23. This and also LinkedIn is really popular here too.
  24. As someone who takes the world personally, try not to take it personally and see people as new slates of a variety of characters.
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