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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Which retro video games? I washed most of my clothes yesterday but I gotta wash my makeup brushes today. lol
  2. Wow the first part sounds like a good day. Well at least it's responses and not having to be there.
  3. What’s the story for? Dam I’d be tempted to argue all the time but then I wouldn’t get things done. >.>
  4. For me, it’s finishing up a personal statement for scholarships. 😅 Then off to do math homework and if I have time, do my nails.
  5. I’m sorry. What kind of deck was it? It’s like a hint of it in flavor. I’ve had blue moon pumpkin flavor and it wasn’t bad, really light. And I’ve had the dogfish Head punkin ale a couple times because it’s pretty good. lol
  6. magic the gathering and football sound super fun. They do always have pumpkin beer! lmao
  7. Well it depends on my mood, timing, and if I can find a fabric store nearby. lol Are you gonna dress up for halloween? Or do stuffs? There are plenty of student activities to do here, but I kinda want to go drinking. >_>
  8. lol last time I cosplayed was December. So it's almost been a year. I kinda wanna do two cosplays. One for halloween, I'm thinking of like a casual Sailor Moon outfit and then one for the con. Maybe waitress Diane from SDS or something from Mob Psycho 100
  9. It can be a real time consumer. lol That's pretty dope! I found at they are going to have a small con here on campus next month. And I bought the ticket. lol
  10. Did you cosplay? Or see cool cosplays?
  11. finished ep 10 of Mob Psycho 100 2, it's so freaking good, one of the best animes of the year.
  12. bleh post gets bleh answers.
  13. I have more legs than a bucket of chicken and I’ll smoke afterwards with ya.
  14. No it’s ok. I has homework to study for but down for free to play
  15. Finished Demon Slayer last week. It was pretty great story. I'm now on ep. 6 of Mob Psycho 100 2. Oh my god the action is going hard and I love it. I also love how they are question morality with power.
  16. She still is lit
  17. I might sit one this one out then. But have fun!
  18. Oooo cool! I’m at school waiting for the shuttle and probably be home in an hour. Will there be anything I gotta download?
  19. How can one play smash from a computer
  20. I love popping pimples. Just to get rid of them. I wash my hair once a week.
  21. You sound like me being social lol
  22. Working retail at party city, also being a lifeguard in a water park was just really stressful lol
  23. You underestimate your power. 😩❤️💐
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