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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. What does this mean?
  2. We studied then watched Serenity, game of thrones and rick and morty. Smoking vapes lol. Then I had to leave before the roommate got there so nothing chilling lol
  3. I gave up my ps4 to live in a dorm lmao.
  4. You underestimate my anxiety
  5. Well if that were to happen, can't we just hang out later tomorrow too?
  6. A few hours past, it's raining hard, I feel embarrassed, I'll wait >_>
  7. Idk if it's like that. He has given weed to other friends. Plus it's raining super hard right now.
  8. But I'm embarrassed and feel it would look more ridiculous.
  9. And how exactly will I do that?
  10. If you were here that would be awesome. Hows life?
  11. Mkays but I may be distracted by Calculus
  12. I'd prefer not to
  13. I don't think it's that's simple, he doesn't have a car and I'm staying miles off campus. >__>
  14. I feel so bad tho, and I like I said, I wouldn't mind hanging out after all. lol Tomorrow I think I'll fess up that I misread the text.
  15. I actually was gonna say, it probably is! He already offered an oil canister, when I told him I don't have that kind of vape, now he mentions this. God I really am so fucking stupid. What should I do? Wait till tomorrow?
  16. This guy who has been in my prep class that I have been hanging out with during the semester has a really cool person to talk to. And we are going to be taking the same classes next semester so we have been planning to study more. He also took me to the rave concert earlier in the year. Anyways, he literally just texted me, hey I can't study at 3 cause I'm going out of town for a bit but will be back at 8, I got you a gift, can I meet you at your place if you want. And my dumb ass this morning thought that he couldn't meet at all, so I told him to meet me tomorrow at school. 😐 HOW CAN I BE THIS STUPID?!?!?!? I actually wouldn't mind hanging out with him. >_> God, I'm such an airhead lately
  17. Maybe it’s cause I was raised in a household that answered with violence first? I feel so unmotivated at times, I just a need a huge wake up call.
  18. Oh man, it sucks cause I was planning to crash real soon for class tomorrow. But it's good see you back on the boards. Poast whateva!
  19. Well I TOLD YOU I NEED SOMEONE TO BEAT MY ASS!! You'all thought I was joking. I am very blunt about my negative qualities. lmao The moment I said put something off for a day, I should have been scolded. >__> I have ADHD, I can not focus as well as you guys do. I get really distracted. @_@ I've lost my atm card, a 2 water bottles, and a bobble head this semester because I left them somewhere by accident. πŸ˜“
  20. I respect the hustle. ✌️
  21. IVE BEEN TELLING YOU FOR AWHILE NOW I AM A BAD STUDENT. Don't act surprised. XD Thank god Disability services gives me extensions all assignments. XD But I already used my my math extensions already. >__>
  22. How do you feel about people over utilizing amazon as shopping service? Also thank you for your service.
  23. My best bullshitting comes out during exams. XD Like for economic history final, I kinda was like, "No I don't agree with this economist, cause here are a lot of similar reasons why this policy didn't work." Which was much easier to argue than saying he's right, we just gotta move everyone from rural areas to large successful countries. XD Or in Calc, when I basically wrote down the basic concepts for the problems while do the algebra horribly and still getting a C. lmao
  24. Bless this darkest of seasons.
  25. I did not complete it in time. 😰 I'm not as a quick writer as you guys are. XD I think why writing turns out good is because I just spend a long time on my academic responses. πŸ˜… I like, I really analyze how one sentence will tie into the next, and how bigger themes shape the overall structure of the paper and shit. lmao So I asked for an extension, and literally turned that shit in 14 minutes before it was due today. πŸ˜“ God I hate myself but at least it's done now. But obvi I don't do that for my writing here. Now I gotta scramble last minute for last minute homework for math tomorrow.
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