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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  2. Happy birthday to one of the coolest guys on the boards!!
  3. That's very cash money of you.
  4. Life freaking motto
  5. Oh my GAWD YAAASSSSSS. I glad I’m not the only one to exude this energy 🤣
  6. It's true! It's not even a research paper, it's a reflection paper for my prep class. But I am gonna try and work on the outline right now and get maybe 3 pages done today?
  7. I thought I had a 10 page paper due tonight at midnight, I haven't started it yet. >__> I literally thought I was gonna crank it out in 3 in half hours, and probably cry. <___< But it's due tomorrow! 😂 So I can start it then. 😐
  8. He is a racist piece of shit that likes victimizing himself, he will sick his rabid fans on anyone he doesn’t like and his newest pallets had hair in them.
  9. I'll go fuck myself again
  10. ????yyyyyeee
  11. Sounds hawt
  12. I mean if others get something out of it too that's cool, but I just really want someone lay their hands on me in a violent way cause I deserve it.
  13. The ghetto person in me would just get louder on purpose >__>
  14. and make me do homework. I am being so irresponsible, I'm throwing away my future, I need to some to put me in my place as a beta nerd. 😐
  15. I'm tempted to by a game system but I have to be realistic in that I'm moving to share a dorm with someone next semester and probably wont have time or room. lol That's why most of my stuff is clothes.
  16. Can afford to offer, just thinking about myself selfishly. lol
  17. Awww well at least you don't have to worry about shopping! It's gonna be hectic out there.
  18. lol its good to upgrade your gear. A lot of people seem to be afraid to spend money but it seems everyone here just wants to replace their older items. Don't seem so bad.
  19. lol well at least you got yummy food.
  20. Did ya get a new computer? What drew you in?
  21. Ohh those are a good find! It’s better to avoid these days as much as possible lol
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