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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Well I’m gonna be back in it afterwards.
  2. Aren’t you in Cali too? >.>
  3. Luckily I’ll meet tutors in between that time. Lol
  4. Lol Sunday night is the night I’m saying I get to smoke again. Just two days of homework lulz
  5. I can’t wait for that shit to be fully legal so the prices eventually drop and can have a wider variety available. Lol
  6. Yes. But haven’t found a good one nearby yet. And it’s also harder if you don’t have a car. Lol
  7. How do you get your weed? I wish I could have both available whenever. But that's a much better plan. lol I try to smoke like an hour before bed or something. lol
  8. Both, inconsistently? Like the past few weeks I would smoke sativa at night because that's what was available. I finally got back on indica, but now I have high strain sativa that I smoke during the day, well not today lol but last week. I have to be careful with my monies these days. lol
  9. It's awful, I hate it. To be clear, I'm talking about weed. I usually smoke a little to help me sleep at night because my insomnia makes it difficult. But stress has been making it hard because I'll feel like shit at school, and just want to walk up and leave. Sometimes smoking at school helps me calm down and makes me sit in class. But this week, my usual amount was not making me sleep, I was up for hours and the next day couldn't focus on work. Also btw, I talk about tolerances and smoking alot, but it never really is that much, just a few puffs throughout the day and then 1 smoke session at night. But I still like to keep my tolerances low to save money. I slept last night on unisom and melatonin. lol But also worked out to tire my body. But I used to like to wake and bake on saturday morning and go to the awesome food hall here. Yeah, yeah I know my 1st world problems are dumb but I rather talk about those. lol
  10. Villains get the best character development. ❤️
  11. Time to add the boiling water
  12. Lol yeah that’s when most people felt the show was falling apart. I was obsessed with it. Lmao and I’ll still love it for eons because of my goddess, my queen Lana Parilla. I even met her and Rebecca Mader. Lol
  13. Do you really have a structured settlement?
  14. Do you watch Once upon a time?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?et shk,djparmo kwTJR,HO'TS;RJMGK HAMOBW 'ILSY,HJGXDF[-CJ;O KLVSB,'P;LMN VMPIJ; HZ;M;OLVXKJ BAMOPW ;KLGHLZ',[0POLDKVFM B[0YPMOL;X,'D [,PSZG;LKBHK,J ZP';LM. ZEG-0M'P KH6LW;ZNMS6[0'H;OIB0-[NPK. MU0-T;K6L ;7HMP0;BPL KZMI[0RY;OLKJNHM0PF;LKH
  15. I am trying to focus on grades right now. Especially since there is another midterm next week. >__> Plus I've been talking to my instructors more and most have been helpful. lol
  16. I hope not because I have DEADLINES!!! 😓
  17. As they say over here, "Decolonized your mind" brah.
  18. Oh noes! Hope he feels better!
  19. True I wouldn’t want to see that either. Lol
  20. Kinda feel bad for her. Can't imagine that makes a good image. >__>
  21. I didn't want to assume others knew the knowledge of that. But I do use that vocabulary in everyday life. XD
  22. Unexpected is too much? You are the one describing your looks. Lol
  23. Oh god when you figure it out tell me too ok.
  24. What does that have to do with Guy Fawkes day? 😂 you don’t look 14, just have an unexpected voice.
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