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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. What kind of waifu?
  2. They deserve rest
  3. That sounds hecka sick! I’m jealous lol
  4. Same lol but the school is hosting a giant dinner off at hotel.
  5. You know what trope I'm getting tired of? The asshole that sacrifices his life in the end so everyone can live. Like that never happens, assholes are just assholes. Like Clint Eastwood excusing his racism because he fictionally sacrifices his life in Gran Torino. Like that movie was him saying nothing but racial slurs. Same thing as Iron Man arresting his friends and splitting up the Avengers but it's ok cause he sacrificed his life even though that may not had been the outcome if they had worked together in the beginning. But at least they are getting rid of Robert Downey Jr. from the MCU lol. Or in any form that trope manifest, I much appreciate a character that has to make things up the hard way and really change character in order to be better.
  6. Oks, well whatever happens lol
  7. Any chance yackbox or cards against humanities is going on tonight
  8. It’s still the 80s here
  9. Cause I got bad grades, I keep losing and forgetting things, cause I’m not on top of my homework. Idk why shouldn’t I leave at this point? Answer cause I got no home
  10. It’s hard being alone at here. I’m akward around friends, don’t know how to ask people to hang out with me. And everyone is talking about their families and I’m still don’t have one atm.
  11. I need to get more and I think I lost my vape. I’m such an airhead lately it makes me not want to leave the room.
  12. Then how do we get through it?
  13. Appointments are 2 weeks in advance because of midterms lol
  14. Are we living the same life?
  15. I don’t belong here. I mean, I belong here, but not at this fancy school. But I gots no home to go to.
  16. Awesome! I'm done. I haven't played part 3 yet, but I'm down to cosplay Kairi with a Keyblade. lol
  17. your method could be to get to know me over time, gain my trust only to betray me in that method. lol
  18. Alright lets do this, *grabs rope*
  19. That’s a good way to go out, blast away lol
  20. Wait am I a monster card now? I call dibs on injection fairy lily
  21. Can’t wait to pack my bags for the shadow realm. 😎
  22. Ok any other suggestions how you wanna die?
  23. SNU SNU?
  24. I volunteer as tribute. This is how I wanna go out.😎
  25. Wait but like in another decade? That’s so random! 😂
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