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Everything posted by Nabreezy

  1. Yes it's definitely fine. Weird as hell story though. What sort of man asks another man if he wants a piece of pie? Even if I did want it I would've gone full Bill Burr and turned that shit down in disgust.
  2. You can call me Mr. Boudreaux because I just want her back.
  3. Truly disgusting how we're being robbed of such content on this site by the fakeass moderators here
  4. Nah there's not any sort of national database of the vaccinated, Honor System Joseph has your back there so don't waste any energy worrying about that - save your strength, you're gonna need it.
  5. Definitely true, not a bad way to play it, I would be OK with anything that gets rid of his new theme song tbqfh shit is so corny to me. Him being champion would open up way more possibilities for potential feuds and successors than I see with Page holding the belt, feels like there's really only a couple places you can go from there that would be interesting, assuming no new major roster additions which I can't even think of right now except for maybe Wyatt + Dark Order, which ofc might not even happen ever.
  6. Wrestling Basketball Smoking Dope Short shorts Getting high in the morning Posting on the internet SPORTS
  7. Idk how I'm gonna feel if Adam Page wins or loses, know I should just watch and enjoy it unfold but can't help thinking ahead. Obviously it feels like he should beat Kenny but then who takes it from him? Heel Punk? idgi
  8. For the first time in a long time I am excited about the future and looking forward to it rather than alternating between dreading and ignoring
  9. Lmao at this never ever going anywhere. Jan 6 committee is the new Mueller investigation for Trump-obsessed Democrats. I honestly hope y'all are at least enjoying yourselves, bc that is all that this is for.
  10. I just started a new job and found out by talking about my pay that I was making more than my supervisor who was training me who got hired a couple months before me. Needless to say they immediately threatened to quit immediately if they didn't get a raise which they of course got. Sheisty shit.
  11. Idk what all these companies claiming this are but I think a majority of these skilled jobs going unfilled are occupations like nurses/healthcare workers and plumbers and construction workers and skilled manual laborers and stuff like that, moreso than white collar sit-down email jobs.
  12. Strange symptom. Do you still have your sense of taste?
  13. Well there's your issue. I'm pretty sure the labor shortage is mostly affecting "Real" jobs that are some combination of entry level, physically demanding, and low paying.
  14. MF looks like Zoidberg without his shell
  15. Play this https://www.journeyofwrestling.com/
  16. Oh holy shit this has already happened. I have no idea where anyone plays anymore, just going to accept whatever teams look like come playoff time because this is too much to keep up with. Was reading box scores and apparently PJ Tucker is on the Heat and Iguodala is back in Golden State? Kuzma stuck on the wizards lmao. Brooklyn's entire roster is crazy to me, even outside their big 3 I don't get how one team has all these guys. I know they're old but still. But anyways nah, kemba is not good.
  17. I hear the Seattle area is also incredibly expensive, good luck and welcome to the mainland.
  18. They're going to have to end up trading Kyrie to Utah or somewhere with no chance of a vax mandate.
  19. Jesus, they really had Cody beat him clean? Unbelievably bad booking. Why, just why. And teaming him up with Andrade? wtf in the world... Haven't been watching the last few weeks due to general disinterest, will probably try to watch most of whatever Full Gear is going to be though.
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