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Everything posted by Nabreezy

  1. Nabreezy


    I used to make robo floats (full bottle of robitussin + vanilla ice cream + a little coca cola) A truly disgusting way to robotrip
  2. Currently reading Entangled Life, all about fungi. Was just going to read the introduction last night before bed, ended up reading 50 pages.
  3. Got canceled day-of because kids are fucking idiots! Ended up just having to do the old people one and getting out early. Was going to go to a show but I guess they all start at 8pm now post-zoom era? Trying not to drink or waste money anyway but still. Depressing. Was pretty excited for a minute to say hi and bye to whoever I'd see there. Oh well. Maybe I should just leave the house on Halloween after all even though right now I don't want to do that.
  4. @resurrected have you given AEW a chance yet? Just wondering bc I know you're a big wrestling fan. Haven't seen Griff on the show in awhile though.
  5. Nabreezy


  6. So much loss. I'm so sorry Kudasai.
  7. I had been assuming that mox would beat Bryan due to Elite shenanigans and then go on to lose to Page, but your idea is more interesting. Idk anyone on the ROH roster except for the old heads + Danhausen.
  8. Pretty sure Ween fans are simply called "anyone who has ever listened to Ween." All the kids I work with have fake IDs, and I'm bartending an event tomorrow that will be full of such kids. Also fuck them for talking about tiktoks and making me feel old
  9. "PCO is All-Elite" Also -
  10. Haha, can you please explain what you mean by this?
  11. And the 2016 & 2020 DNC picks for that matter. But nah I think Rock is more if a 2028 GOP rehab candidate.
  12. Shouldn't have anything to worry about there unless they really do start rigging elections. Always the imp, never the demon king for that devilrat.
  13. Will be hilarious if neither Biden or Harris are on the '24 ticket. Dunked hard straight into the dumpster fire of history
  14. Looking more and more like if the addled 80+ year old Biden doesn't run again it'll have to be someone besides Harris https://www.latimes.com/projects/kamala-harris-approval-rating-polls-vs-biden-other-vps/
  15. Seems to me like that's the least you could do seeing as that's how you got to this forum.
  16. I'll be the judge of that. Link, let's go.
  17. Traded to Dallas for a pig trough full of hand sanitizer + picks. 30 cents on the dollar, sad.
  18. Sounds like someone has been walking into the buffet with confidence lately. I'm assuming we've gone from "I don't wanna, so nyah" to "Why should I, it doesn't even exist." Smdh.
  19. I won't ask again ya funking binch
  20. Send me a link?
  21. I'm sure David Graeber and the Bullshit Jobs concept gets talked about a lot there, very good stuff. Here's a little blurb for you to maybe share for some reddit credit or whatever, I like her highly accessible writing on this stuff. https://caityjohnstone.medium.com/our-world-is-dying-because-we-dont-value-un-making-things-cb6d23f17185
  22. Yeah I imagine mowing all around that big bihh probably took a lot less time and effort than picking up all the sticks and branches in advance. Last big storm here brought down a veritable giant that completely crushed a house one block away from me so I get it.
  23. Lol nah man enjoy your delicious treat, and be glad you don't have this brand of mental illness
  24. No. The name alone has me interested but still no. What is it, just like am anti-productivity philosophy of degrowth and staying home and doing less through an anti-consumption, personal austerity lens? I don't need some subreddit to reinforce what I already know to be the correct way to live.
  25. Daymn what a monster, I wouldn't want that thing anywhere near my house either but still hate that it had to come down.
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