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Everything posted by Nabreezy

  1. Misconstrues this post as a potshot toward me despite no indication that it is & my not being involved at all, calls your w*fe an o*re
  2. So does....Eddie Kingston win this tournament? Or probably whoever replaces Moxley, because Page vs Bryan just sounds insane to do right now. Shenanigans would absolutely have to be abound in the finish to that match, and just why would you do that. O damn forgot how behind I've been. Miro hell yeah...great first contender to feed to Page. Zero issues with this.
  3. Claims this is problematic misandrynoir, promises to drop some links in a few to support my claim
  4. I never buy it when a celeb says they're entering treatment for "alcoholism." Not doubting that dude is an alcoholic, just always wonder like - ok alcohol and what else? Alcohol just the socially acceptable addiction to admit to in a press release. Anyway, in probably soon to be related to AEW news, never seen a Killer Kross match in my life but still can't believe WWE fucked him & Scarlett up so bad. Like holy shit, how is *this* not the guy you have beat Reigns? And literally everything about the way they stepped on Keith Lee all year long...just smgdh. I don't even watch the shit and I'm disgusted with how bad it is. How does this company still have viewers, let alone fans?
  5. Nabreezy


    Congrats on 10k. May there be many more 10k's in your storied future
  6. Joe Pera is so wholesome and wonderful. All the love to Joe Pera.
  7. https://www.lx.com/politics/young-voters-didnt-turn-out-for-californias-recall-what-that-means-for-democrats-in-2022/44683/ Young people are the same all over and they're all embarrassed and disgusted by this rightwing democratic party that never does anything for anyone and its rightwing rich people agenda. IMO Dems can't just stand by and do nothing except the most rightwing possible legislation and still expect the people they need to put them over the top to bother leaving the house to vote for them just because they "got something done" when that something is always meager and temporary and often terrible/much shittier than advertised. If they can't get good legislation passed bc of all of the many conservative democrats in the party than they need to go all out excoriating those Dems and burn them at the stake and kick them out of the party, cast out the demons instead of constantly sucking up to them and ceding all control to them and appeasing them as they water down every potential policy until it's just water that someone pissed in. Stop openly giving them everything they want and telling progressive legislators to trust the process and just go along with the rightwing legislation for now, blatantly lying/fake promising to come through with actually good legislation "later" which never ever comes, like the way they've been doing. Instead they're just keeping all their excuses intact, on purpose. Not packing the court, not going over the loser parliamentarian's nonbinding recommendations to actually do some good for people, not getting rid of the filibuster etc. Just publicly giving up on all of that, no public pressure on any of the allegedly "small handful" of Dems who don't support those things, just 'welp these ""quasi-Republicans'" are not into it guys, sorry everyone, but they're simply too valuable to have around, we need them here to make everything worse so we can't identify them as enemies and try to rally voters to fight them out of office" The Dems are not trying whatsoever to remake this party that literally everyone hates and only bothers to vote for after the GOP gets in power and reminds everyone of how bad they are bc they're happy with where they are as a party, forever playing the lovable loser face that just can't get anything done to the Republican's' dastardly heel tactics which result in getting the right everything they could ever possibly want, bc the Dems mostly want those same things just as much as the Republicans do. Article excerpts:
  8. Lmao this guy is so dumb. Usually can't stand his stuff even in a fascinated disgust way but this is just too nuts. Yeah that's why everyone hates Biden, because he isn't talking about the 1/6 op enough or calling them terrorists for walking around and doing what the President told them to
  9. What up Rif king. I was a RIF in 04/05 too. Welcome to board
  10. Packard posting.
  11. I honestly can't wait until [redacted] gets sick and dies, which will probably, hopefully, be soon, but still not soon enough.
  12. Ok gg. Anyone else want to play? Just start a private game and drop the link.
  13. Oh hell yeah. Game on, anon.
  14. https://www.stratego.io#setup/join/fcd246 Link to the private game I started. Just set up your board, press play and we'll 1v1 Haven't played this in like 10 years, suddenly got in the mood.
  15. I thought I was finished with that stuff but maybe I will get some more Delta goo...
  16. All eyes are on October right now. The whole world is watching...
  17. No I was just quoting Obama to mock him/the sentiment behind that sound bite, chill out.
  18. It was lame duck-era Obama's (ie his entire last year in office when he couldn't even get his Supreme Court nominee seated) catchphrase for a little bit. Don't get angry about politics, don't be mad about how the world just keeps getting shittier and no one with any power is doing anything to improve it, just funnel alllllll that anger and frustration and energy into continuously voting for the Democrats year after year after year, because what other choice do we the powerless peons have? Don't get mad, just go vote and feel that catharsis when team blue occasionally "wins" on paper, regardless of what those "wins" actually result in for anyone.
  19. Lincoln Project lol. God, the Dems suck so much shit it's honestly incredible. Just constantly putting on one master class after another in losing, even when they "win"
  20. "I think Biden/Harris losing to Trump would be funnier than whatever other slapdash random ass nightmarish ticket the dogshit DNC would come up with losing to Trump" = wanting Trump to win? Anyway here is a Very funny article https://archive.md/k7zAY Copied and pasted the article here - In pro wrestling terms, Biden is what is known as a transitional champion. The only question is if he loses the title to "whoever his challenger is" (it's Trump) or retires first.
  21. Then again, Biden/Harris getting completely BTFO by Trump/DeSantis four years after capitalizing on their '20 squeaker by doing nothing, nothing at all may be even more hilarious, so I kinda hope the Dems do try to run this shit back one more time. Would absolutely be political malpractice, but then so is everything the DNC does.
  22. Nabreezy


    Only if you take enough to hit the 3rd plateau
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