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Everything posted by Nabreezy

  1. Welcome to years ago
  2. Second!
  3. Said it before but she was the best user here. Running her off will remain this board's gravest crime. Shit made me so pissed off when I found out why she left.
  4. Buddy j/o to this post with tears in his eyes lmao
  5. Can't do it, sorry. Not sure what I'll do when she bans me for some bullshit again. Maybe even for replying to you, who knows. After being banned for the non-crime of saying that I was a mod in Dumpster Fires, all bets are off. It's literally just whatever she wants to do at this point. Sad af
  6. I know. Nothing I can do about it. Yeah. Fuck Facebook and Reddit though.
  7. No it still exists but i just have very few posts on this, my final account, bc fakemods only ever gonna fakemod, so I can't see it anymore. She literally banned me for saying that I was a Real mod, in dumpster fires. Dumpster Fires. She is truly deranged.
  8. Judging cause and effect seems difficult for you.
  9. Lol, well you missed a lot this summer. But yeah, they're slowly cannibalizing each other now. There's also Dumpster Fires which you can't see (I can't either, now, because katt couldn't stop herself from fakemodding a fake non-problem), but I wish I could show you some stuff from earlier this year, you would laugh. Oh well. DF is basically all this site is, anymore. One big dumpster fire.
  10. What it comes down to is they just thought it would be easier to get rid of you than to try to enforce the rules against any of the people who were so obsessed with you that they couldn't stop themselves from calling you literally every name in the book and making every thread about you all day every day. That is why only you were banned and everyone else still gets to post here and be their shitty selves, trying to fill the void of your absence by constantly harassing others. This is the truth.
  11. That's understandable. After the years of blatantly racist and sexist abuse you received on a daily basis from people who are still allowed to post here, i wouldnt expect you to summon any amount of give a fuck for any ""moderator"" on this site no matter how sad and dire their personal life offline appears.
  12. Lmao I was just thinking about that person the other day. Can't remember their username or anything but yeah, that whole saga was wacky as hell. Just what I'd expect from one of her irl "friends" though. Like I said, I honestly do feel pity for her, but fuck she makes it hard to care by being so terrible.
  13. It must be very hard to be her, so on some level I feel pity, but mostly just eyeroll-disgust.
  14. Dems are going to get wasted. Sucks to suck.
  15. Hahahahaha.... I almost forgot, thanks for that. Dang, I'm pretty sure that was a DF joint. Really in the mood to revisit your screed about how not voting for the addled racist Democrat running for President is the same as saying "Fuck you" to your kids. Now that was funny
  16. Trolling can be a fun and deeply rewarding hobby to some, just as the hobbies you enjoy can feel excruciatingly boring and empty to others. It is all a matter of perspective/mental problems.
  17. Every year I get mossed in, lost in October's throes I don't stir for spring cleaning, oh I don't sweat in summer, no I like to pledge heartily, to my favorite seasonal despair-ity A time of rot and intensity when it's icy wind blows . . .
  18. Jesus Christ, I always knew this guy was an exorbitantly wealthy ancap but until now never realized the full extent of his 'taxation is theft, abolish social programs & any concept of the necessities of life as human rights" reptilian derangement. Just completely detached from reality, an ideological piss trough constantly soaking up the latest and self-fellatest evils directly from the scaly pinpricks of Satan's most wicked errand imps. The "Woke" account avatar is literally Scrooge McDuck. Truly, one of the most monstrous people to ever register an account in any iteration of this "community." Not on this site, afaik, but apparently that doesn't make it any less fakemod-actionable to share this guy's exceedingly terrible Koch $$$ wormy-brained oozings, for some reason. But, yeah. On balance, definitely worse than most of the the r*pists, domestic terr*rists, internet child predators, GOP political consultants, and miscellaneous demons who have plagued this community over the last ~20 years. I really don't know what I thought I would find when I went looking, but holy fuck Le Guig was right, this is one right-wing shit mummy tomb that should absolutely stay sealed.
  19. Sun beams are moving through fallen autumns, Leaves me enamored, I'm drifting along I thought I was dreaming October falls into idle days, light yearns for darkness, Autumn falls.
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