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Everything posted by Nabreezy
Drive to a semi private place with a nice view and get high in your car with her and see where things go Or give a friend $100 so you can use his place for the evening while he's at work or whatever lol. Just anything else. But again just me and my own personal hangups talking here, I'm sure it's normal in those multi-generational family homes in Italy and wherever for everyone to fall asleep to the sounds of their mothers and sons fucking and sucking every night. A very ancient phenomenon, like the opening scene to Apocalypto where the guy gets ushered into his hut by his mother-in-law demanding he get her daughter pregnant, then comes running out moments later to dunk his burning junk into the water while his wife screams in agony and the entire village laughs at their naked plight. So it's really whatever works for you and your family under your shared roof.
Regardless of what one parent says, I don't see how someone could stand trying to have sex with their parents in earshot, and I don't think "sit back and wait for someone to message me on a dating app" is at all productive toward what you're trying to accomplish. But that's just me. Girl from bumble comes over - "Can we snuggle on the couch and watch some Disney+" "Sure thing my little bumble bee, let me just take off my khakis and get more comfortable..." A muffled hacking dad cough reverberates down the hallway Bumble girl - "What the fuck was that?!?" "Oh it's okay, that's just my dad, but don't worry, he said that my mom wouldn't mind at all if she heard us having sex" A bumblegirl-shaped cartoon poof cloud appears on the couch where she was just sitting, the front door suddenly swinging wildly on its hinges Idk, not trying to rain on your parade or tell you what to do but that could never be me. A random Uber driver would be a preferable situational voyeur
I'm literally just talking about some rich loser who "teaches" goblin studies at the goblin school and doesn't even have an account here. Fakemods are gonna fakemod, but this would be some unprecedented fakemoddery. And that's saying a lot.
Lmao, his Twitter name has the word "Woke" in it, because of course it does.
??? How on earth...? He doesn't even have an account here! I didn't even post his name. Wtf?
He is exactly the same as he's always been -- a far right-wing economics professor at a far right-wing college whose far right-wing economics professors are hand-picked* by rich right-wing psychopaths for the sole purpose of assisting them in continuing to foster this rapidly deteriorating absolute living hell which the capitalists and industrialists have turned our only planet into. A rabidly anti-communist wealthy MIC beneficiary forever on the government dole despite illusions and delusions that any of his high six-figure annual income** is at all legitimately earned (lol) or derived from producing any semblance of tangible value (rofl) for anyone who isn't a fellow doer of the devil's work. An unfunny blowhard dogshit terrible writer, etc etc. ** (his income may be up to 7+ figures by now given all the fake work he's put in on behalf of the forces of darkness, back in 2015/2016 he admitted to being rewarded $600,000/year for having such a deeply diseased brain) For those wondering, here is his yugioh card -
Real shadows, mealy prattle, promise to the ghost Wind whipping woods melting, mountains to the coast A whisper through the trees as the leaves turn to snow A howling through the falling leaves and October's standing stones You'll know fear when it gets here, it said You've no prayer til the next year, it said.
@westpark I found whelp. Pm me if you want to know more, I don't have access to that other account anymore.
Still online. Still posts a lot. Still terrible. Stilgar.
Sorry doomer, you've definitely talked about your medical reason for not drinking before I just forgot somehow. Well try some version of what I said minus drinking. If there's not a cover order diet coke or something? Sucks that you basically always have to buy something just to exist in public damn near. Just find a way to get out and about, everything else will follow. The whole barhopping with wingmen looking to pick up a woman for the night is just foreign and weird to me. Some traveling businessmen sounding shit idk. Guess I'm trying to give more unsolicited general lifestyle advice that will incidentally lead you to make friends who will fuck you and fulfill you in other ways also than "here's a failsafe method to bed a choice dame" or w/e, but yeah.
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Nabreezy replied to DragonSinger's topic in General Discussion
*quietly unfollows out of respect* Trying to decide which job to do. The customer service one with nice coworkers that pays a lot + OT, or the quiet mostly by myself one that pays less + OT and involves a lot more actual work but no customers ever. -
And for what it's worth I regret every day not continuing to live with my parents when I was in my 20s and still lived in the same state/time zone as them and helping them out with the bills. If I had done that instead of moving away to live on my own, maybe I would have regretted it and would be here reading this thread today thinking about all the perceived tittysucking I missed out on because of it. But I've been on my own for most of my adult life and let me tell you, honestly - if I personally could do the last 10 years over again, I would try as much as I could to help convince them into staying in the house of my high school bedroom with me living there and financially contributing toward making that family home work for all of us as a place for us to live together. If your parents need your help and you living there helps them, my advice is to stay there and help them as much as you can, and try to find room to sate your natural desires and live a fulfilling life within that situation, while taking care of those responsibilities you feel toward your family. It isn't either / or.
Like a lot of tv tropes, that stuff is just consumerist brainpoison tbh. Living with your family is fine, especially if it's to help them out in material ways - right now that means stay financially solvent and keep the house, later it might mean taking care of them in old age. Humans have been doing this for as long as we've been around. Are there cons to living with your parents, I mean of course. But a ton of people our age live with their parents, millions & millions *especially* in that overly expensive uniquely classist hellhole where you happen to live (no offense), and plenty of them nevertheless have sex sometimes. (outside of the home... unless you have a very private, effectively soundproof room, the idea of doing that stuff within earshot of your parents seems awkward to me...but that's just me.) Sure it's nice to have a place to bring someone back to, just like it's nice to own a car and be able to drive on a date...these things aren't at all necessary pre-requisites. Remember my DF thread abt sucking on titties in the back of an Uber. Yeah, that happened bc I went to a bar, got drunk (I know you don't drink, but it really helps with what you're looking for...), ignored the friends I came with and talked to this girl for awhile (who, like my friends, I had met previously bc I habitually left the house and went out in public in the vicinity of my home, to places where people our age go for fun and to get drunk which is what a lot of people do for fun, not thay you have to but again, it really helps...), and after sitting and talking for awhile she asked me to go back to her place, where she lived with roommates... Not with family, but not alone. I didn't even have to drive, let alone have an appropriately clean or private apartment to bring someone back to. Will it be difficult for you to live with your parents who are always home and coordinate sex with someone who also lives with their parents who are always home, I mean probably. Are you limited to people who live at home just because you do - not at all! Can you still date them and take them places away from both your homes and have fun - absolutely. This is all within your grasp, none of it is being prevented by living with your parents. I will say it is hard to work a lot like you do and find the time & summon the will on your days off when you're not too tired from working so much to put in the effort to go out without expectations and just look to have fun, let alone doing so enough to where you see the same people repeatedly and develop the kind of friendship and rapport that helps to make yourself seen desirable to another human. But if you really do need to work as much & as hard as you do (which I don't dispute for a second) then all I can say is - Do it anyway. Go to small businesses that you're into and buy a couple cheap beers and drink them (no you literally won't get too drunk off a couple beers to not be able to legally drive home later - you'll just have to hang out for an hour or two and then you'll be fine), literally just 'hang out,' seek camaraderie and conversation and companionship with whoever is there that is seeking the same thing, or who already has found it and isn't selfish or snobbish about people they don't know, go back again, go a third time, see if the crowd is different, see if the same crowd reacts to you in a different way once they know your face. Go to other places. Find a place you like to go to or had a good time at. Try to repeat it. Go there again. Have some weird convos. Witness some things that you can later talk about having seen. Are local bands who play around town at dive bars and then go hang out at even worse adjacent dive bars still a thing out there? Was the $5 $10 local show in CA finally killed off for good by covid? Really hard to believe that. Fuck a zoom show, fuck the "stay at home" mantra the news media keeps hammering into everyone's heads. Literally just ignore that dumb shit. Go to a show, get there early, get a little drunk so you'll be more talkative and less anxious and self-conscious about being alone, stay late, "hang out," see if it's something you enjoy, talk to other dudes about guitars or pedals or whatever y'all musicians talk about, show up again the next weekend, listen to their Bandcamps they tell you about, share yours, maybe play some shows for 10 people, go to the open mic standup you heard about or got invited to or read about online where someone bombs in front of 10 people, find people you connect with there if they exist, go somewhere else the next night even if it's a week night, put off whatever you were otherwise going to do, force a social routine, change it up for no reason, then go back to it after awhile of doing something else, did you miss it, did anyone miss you? Sample some of what the incredible population density of where you live & have to pay so much in rent to be a part of truly offers. Become a member of a community within your local area since you have lived there for so long and plan to continue being around there for a long time to come, go on to have a fulfilling life and continue to hope you get to have some sex along the way like everyone else does, kick yourself over the times you blew it, awkwardly fumble your way into it and wonder how whatever you did possibly worked... since that's what this thread is about - you probably will have some sex at some point, but even if you don't then worst case you still get to meet a lot of people and have dreams about them and have those dreams change you and help your brain learn and grow and have some good fuckin times being just another dummy fumbling around in the world, times that aren't just sitting at home playing video games and watching TV alone & masturbating too much and feeling lonely and repeating days and wondering why you haven't had sex yet and offload the fault of it onto some aspect of your life like living with your parents that doesn't actually need to change in order for you to do most of the things that you would like to do in this, your only life on this sometimes painful, but mostly boring planet.
I think the saddest thing about living in student housing
Nabreezy replied to jackiemarie90's topic in Free-For-All
I get that feeling. I'm starting a new job (at a university actually) in several hours, after not working at all for over 4 months. Wasted all my savings but couldn't mentally do it. Work, sometimes it is literally impossible. I live alone though, if I was in a crowded situation like yours I'd probably have gotten a job much earlier just to get out of the house and around different groups of people for a change. The job market right now is such that - everyone's hiring and you can go through different jobs every few weeks, trying new ones out. Can think of it like taking different behind the scenes tours of a variety of businesses and restaurants and stuff. This week I'll do Del Taco, next week Sprouts... Jobs are a lot easier to deal with when you don't *need* any particular one, or to work at all. Like hey I'm just here hanging out for a little while, no obligation or connection to any of these fuckos. If you have a way to get back in and feel that this is something you really want or need to do then this isn't a bad plan, if you can't stand the idea of making yourself start school again in January. Leaving school does sound dangerous though bc might be hard to go back, or make yourself go back. If I was in school right now I would be striving for that work-from-home life in any field possible. You can take a break if you need one, it might be good for you if you feel like you're committed enough to the goal of getting a degree that you won't let yourself end up never going back. You should definitely get your degree. But above all else don't lose your CA resident status, the benefits are just too good if you're in a mulling over semi-homelessness phase of your life. East TN. I live in the "big city" out here. The apolitical commune I described (more like an extremely rural homeless camp owned by one rich guy and doesn't do large scale agriculture or actually produce anything except drugs) is close to the Smokey mtns. -
I think the saddest thing about living in student housing
Nabreezy replied to jackiemarie90's topic in Free-For-All
Lol, I came away with the same feelings visiting San Diego this year, and SD is probably still much less hateable than Berkeley. Even the "smells like piss everywhere" trope was proven real, to my surprise. Backpacking in the PNW does sound very nice, but don't idealize semi-homelessness (I'm imagining camping and occasional hostel-staying) with no fallback plan too much. Visiting a homeless relative in SD was very harrowing and seeing how people in that liberal bastion operate and "deal with" living alongside such an enormous homeless population greatly contributed to my disgust with socal, the people who live there, the "culture." I feel the same way about incestuous group living situations, and despite your immediate surroundings and peer group your feelings sound more 'normal' or typical of most people our age, even though it may not seem like it where you are. So don't feel like ur in the minority just bc of what you've been living with, even though it's really hard to say for sure what most people in most places think and want when - who has the time to get to know that many people, really. Most of the cool kids involved in fake "radical" left stuff here are all fucking each other, always having endless drama, factioning off, living on top of each other, being way too involved in each other's personal and lives, no real sense of privacy or reprieve from it. Seems like absolute hell but some people just crave that kind of stressful mess I guess. A friend who has been spending time staying at a commune of 40+ people (that is not at all a leftist one in any ideological sense) described that place largely the same way. A few different polyamorous "groups"/tribes co-existing despite all the drama and interpersonal histories and latent tension. Weird emotional conflicts. Young kids involved in both situations. . . All of it very unappealing, but not everything is for everybody. -
Got rejected for the first time due to low protein count (was a 5.9, needs to be between 6 - 9, idk what unit of measurement) I think it's because I didn't eat any meat in the days since I last donated. That's what the nurse recommended I do anyway and try again tomorrow. Came back the next day after ingesting some tuna and scored a 6.3 Still got some weird red dots, just a thing that happens with injections. Don't think it's anything serious like what killed that lady who got vaxed even tho it ... sounds like basically the same thing as what she had - blood clots with low platelets. (You have low platelets after donating.) The woman’s cause of death was thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), a condition researchers have said is a rare but “potentially serious adverse event in people who received the J&J vaccine,” the statement said. TTS is known as blood clots with low platelets, according to the CDC. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/king-county-woman-in-late-30s-becomes-first-person-in-washington-to-die-of-jj-vaccine-complication/ Gotta get 3 more donations in soon before my new donor window ends and the pay goes down to $70. At that point I might try the new donor program at other plasma place - I know somebody that got a total of $350 from them after their first two donations.
You're right....fuck. Nevermind, just delete it. Delete it all. Permanently remove it from the internet. Please. This could be some life or death shit.
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Nabreezy replied to DragonSinger's topic in General Discussion
Sounds like you read the kidney woman article too lol. Extremely funny and compelling. I lost it when it was revealed that she had *literally said* that she couldn't stop herself from quoting the letter verbatim in her story because it was just too good. -
Why is Cody doing this lol. He can't seriously be this bad at this. WTF was even up with this entire weird promo? Every moment Arn has been on tv in AEW has been absolutely humiliating, he's just an embarrassment and everything he says and does looks like shit. Get these Republican fucks off the show already.
Beyond All This Lies Heaven