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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Yeah, that's about the only way I'd go back there now. I used to go when I got coupons for them sometimes when they were $6, but then they started putting conditions on the type of meat they would let you have with them. First it was "only these types of meat", and I was like alright, since one of them was the kind I wanted anyway, but then later on that type was no good anymore until finally they stopped accepting the coupons altogether. I'm sure other Subways are probably better about it, but for whatever reason mine just sucks.
  2. Usopp's supposed to be the thing that changes the king's mind. LMAO
  3. Just when ya thought Flamingo couldn't go any lower, we find out he killed his own little brother. Damn.
  4. Consensual hand-holding... ROFL Nobody fangirls better than good ol' Bartolomeo.
  5. Actually, I'd say it's more like the bull is riding beneath a crazed Luffy.
  6. LMAO This guy is so pathetic he's actually fangirling over himself.
  7. Yeah, I was hoping we'd get some kind of explanation, but guess not yet. Seems like it definitely happened before this battle though, as I think he mentioned something about him running out of time soon (for the transformation I'm assuming).
  8. Great. Now it looks like the demon's gonna pull some Voltron combining shit.
  9. I thought maybe Genya got taken over by the demon somehow from the preview, but obviously now that's not the case. Is he somehow similar to Nezuko then, or is it something else? Seems like maybe we've got a life flashing before your eyes before you die flashback that might answer that coming after the break here.
  10. Last of Us was pretty great. Happy to see it's getting another season. Also, just finished watching Halo season 2, but did not like it nearly as much as I did the first one. Just so many gaps in the story and just plain logic kind of ruined it for me.
  11. Bettlejuice Beetlejuice 9/10 (Honestly can't believe I'd live to see the day that MacArthur Park could be so appropriately utilized in a movie and actually be made truly enjoyable to listen to. For some crazy reason my dad loved that old song, even though I always thought it was one of the weirdest things I'd ever heard. Anyway, 36 years after the original, all I got to say happily is... worth the wait.) The Garfield Movie 8/10
  12. I watched the entirety of the last debate (and believe me I really wish I hadn't now), so honestly didn't pay that close attention to this one, but did have it on while I was doing other stuff and listened to portions of it. Watching the post debate coverage seems like it went pretty much exactly as I expected it would all along, and that is because I don't think Trump has ever won a single debate against anyone. Even the last one he didn't win; Biden just lost it by coming off incoherent and not all there at times, reinforcing everyone's concerns about his age. All Harris really had to do is be her competent self and let Trump self-destruct, which he did in spades. I mean really the only moment I think I needed to see was him bringing up the bald-faced bull shit about people having their pets eaten by migrants, cuz sorry you make some cuckoo claim people are eating cats and dogs, you lose. It's as simple as that. Add in the Taylor Swift endorsement for Harris then, and it's just simply an awful night for old agent orange. Will any of it make a real difference in the end. I'd be lying if I thought we are by any means out of the woods, as my faith in the human race is as always running on empty and will continue to do so until at the very least this is all over and finally decided.
  13. Granpappy's head would make one nasty splinter. Pica's kind of lucky they splintered his arm off instead.
  14. It's granpappy conehead. LMAO Everyone wants to kick Doflamingo's ass and it's just pissing Luffy off.
  15. Usopp dropping... the newest olympic sport. Coming to LA in 2028.
  16. Smart move. Incapacitating Luffy by making him laugh himself silly. Maybe this guy isn't so stupid after all. LOL
  17. She made sushi. I just ate at a sushi place today. It wasn't bad, but it paled in comparison to the ramen place I ate at last week.
  18. Ramen place was.... amazeballs. I've always thought Naruto was weird for liking ramen so much, but now I think I'm weird for thinking he was weird. I guess that's the difference between authentic Japanese ramen and the laughable by comparison, pale imitation that I usually cook up for myself.
  19. Yeah, apparently it's considered canon. One of the only ones that is. Don't think it's officially available anywhere for streaming unfortunately. Actually, nevermind. I guess it is. I guess whatever I was reading that said otherwise before was outdated.
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