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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. She's alive! And human... err. Well, almost. She's still got fangs, and demon-like eyes. Looks like Nezuko's VA's finally getting a pay raise, too.
  2. Think of it as a challenge. Can you possibly watch all four episodes in a row without going insane?
  3. Years have passed now? What has the center of the town become like a black hole with some kind time dilation effect going on around it now? Where's Mr. Spock when you need him? Fascinating.
  4. Hah! Yep, I had a feeling those row houses were gonna end up forming a spiral.
  5. Well, I guess now we know what Tom meant when he said there's no escape.
  6. Butterfly effect my butt! There's no way that can even come close to explaining any of the epic weirdness going on in that town.
  7. I think what a lot of people, particularly in the media, fail to understand is that the clownish bufoonery of the guy is part of what makes him so appealing to a lot of people. How much of it is real and how much of it is an act I'm not totally sure about, but either way the result is the same. It distracts people and redirects their attention away from just how depraved and malevolent the things he says and is promising to do should he get in power again actually are. Same as how a con man does something flashy or showy with one hand so you don't notice how he's slipping the money out of your wallet with the other. Folks that are wise to the trick don't fall for it so easily, but there's a lot more -- let's be frank -- foolish, gullible, and just plain stupid -- people out there that do, and the thing is he clearly knows that quite well and has done a really good job at targeting that segment of the population. Sure, when it comes to being a responsible leader, the guy is inept and clueless as can be, but when it comes to appealing to people's worst instincts and tricking folks into buying his BS, make no mistake he's a pro. It's what the guy has been doing his whole life after all. Also, there's the whole anti-intellectual, anti-expert aspect that the right has embraced that is a part of this in a way I'm really hesitant to bring up, but I honestly believe a lot of his followers would rather have someone like him who's an idiot in charge instead of someone that actually knows what they're doing, because deep down it simply makes them feel better about themselves and their own relative level of intelligence. It's sadly why no matter what he says or does, they're gonna make whatever excuse they have to explain his crap away and stick with him to the end.
  8. Those skull-faced giant soldiers at the end looked like something out of Tim Burton's imagination.
  9. That was fortuitous. Seriously, that girl has the devil's luck. How many times has she narrowly escaped death now? I think I've lost count.
  10. Yeah, how can anyone be saying something like that at this point. Dude's not right.
  11. Wow, that's just... wow. This is all beyond fucked up.
  12. They didn't believe her? Seriously folks?! Hasn't enough strange crap happened in that town yet for ya to not be so skeptical about stuff anymore.
  13. Bug spray FTW. Like duh.
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