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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Yeah, gotta say I feel a little cheated. Oh well. Honestly, I can't even remember when Naruto actually reciprocated Hinata's feelings. Did i just miss that? ::googles:: Ahhhh... Okay, so it was in a movie "The Last" where it happens apparently. Now I'm gonna have to see if I can find that to watch somewhere later on.
  2. Do those two ever walk on their feet anymore? LOL
  3. I noticed just the other day that an actual ramen place opened up near me. Kind of a cool coincidence that happens just as the final episode is about to be airing. So of course to honor the occasion, I'm gonna check the place out tomorrow and get myself a nice big steaming bowl of ramen and experience for myself hopefully what all the fuss they make in this show is all about.
  4. Zoro making sense and with a nicely timed kick to that little creep Dellinger's behind. Finally he's doing something besides getting lost.
  5. "is that you really want... to take on a pissed off emperor?" This is Luffy you're talking to dude. You should know better by now than to ask a stupid question like that.
  6. Well Usopp, you always wanted to be famous. Got your wish. Ha ha ha.
  7. I was thinking this demon's just like the hydra, too. Hercules used fire to burn the stumps to keep the heads from regrowing. Gonna take more than fire to stop this guy I'm afraid.
  8. Real solution: Naruto should just make a ton of his shadow clones to handle security and stuff.
  9. What happened to the four stars?! LMAO He just skipped it over to stick it even harder to Usopp.
  10. I'll bet on option number 3: Luffy kicking your ass.
  11. Those inconsiderate demons. They won't even give poor Tanjiro a little time to play with his new sword.
  12. Watched the first few episodes of The Last of Us. Pretty much Walking Dead with mushroom-headed zombies. Despite that silly-sounding description, it's actually pretty good so far.
  13. LOL They should have assigned Shino to follow Orochimaru around instead of Yamato. Would of been a much more fitting punishment for him.
  14. Benevolent? Yeah right. Dude doesn't have a benevolent string in his body.
  15. Figured it was way too soon for a big boss showdown. Still way too many of his minions left to take out.
  16. That sword the treasure he heard about? Lord knows he could use a sword that doesn't break so easily.
  17. LMAO Kid's got a mouth on 'em. He's saying all the things we only wish Tajiro could say about that guy.
  18. The damaged side of its face is even on the same side that Kenshin's got his iconic cross-shaped scar. Makes me seriously wonder if it's appearance isn't some kind of homage.
  19. Deadpool and Wolverine 8/10 (Enjoyed the cameos. Loved what I'll just call the slaughter bus scene. That was hysterical.) Abigail 4/10 (Just not a big fan of vampire stuff generally I think.) Arcadian 3/10 (The monsters in this were just too ridiculous looking to me. And the wheel thing they did just left me SMH.) Cocaine Bear 9/10 (When I first heard of this movie, I was like "What?! ... No." But now I'm like, Yes Yes!) Furiosa 7/10 IF 7/10 Twisters 6/10
  20. Watched season 1 of Daredevil. One of the grittiest, most well-grounded superhero shows I can recall ever seeing. Took me back to the first couple seasons of Arrow, which is pretty surprising considering Matt Murdock and Oliver Queen are like polar opposites in a lot of ways. Also, just finished catching the last episode of Knuckles on Knuckle-odeon. That was pure awesome sauce. Loved that they used one of my favorite songs as his theme song.
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