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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Say what? ::quickcheck:: Actually it passed by unanimous consent voice vote, but some senators said they would have voted no if they though it could actually pass. Anyway, the house never passed it, so it went nowhere I guess.
  2. That's why they say never meet your heroes kid. Especially if there name basically means they're a cheese head.
  3. Who'd want to steal a stinky wrestling ring anyway? How would anyone steal it even? LMAO This show is just plain insane is all.
  4. I'm recording SNL, but just cause it's election season and I want to see the cold open mostly.
  5. I was just gonna write this one off, but now I dunnno. I mean it's so bonkers... it might actually be kind of fun to watch I'm thinking now.
  6. If all there was to life was wrestling and accounting... I'd probably just kill myself. Actually, no. On second thought, I'd definitely kill myself.
  7. Le Chevalier D'Eon 21 - 24 Still some aspects to and uses of the supernatural stuff in the show that were kind of oft-putting to me, but pushing that aside, I'm happy to say I really liked the story in the end and was not at all disappointed as I was starting to fear I might be by the revelations of the final episodes. Best part of the show though really is how they were able to weave so much actual history into it and make what I normally would consider totally boring stuff truly interesting to watch and learn about.
  8. Venom the Last Dance 6/10 (Kind of a dumb and nonsensical storyline honestly that just seems like it served as an excuse to give the franchise one last hurrah. Visual effects were great and it was still kind of fun, but they should have come up with a better enemy for the final installment of a trilogy. Werewolves Within 9/10 More of a comedic whodunit than horror, but it was really funny. The dialogue and absurd style of humor in it reminded me a lot of Cocaine Bear.
  9. Ghost Stories 1 - 4 So far so ghould.
  10. The Chevalier dub I'd say is excellent really. Casting-wise, acting-wise, and the script sticks very close to the subtitles. I'm familiar with at least one ADV dub that Foster had a hand in that I thought was pretty terrible -- Those Who Hunt Elves -- but obviously for a property that was as highly regarded as Chevalier was it's not really that surprising I'd say that they tried to be as faithful to the original dialogue as they could with it. Ghost Stories is the one whose dub I'm curious about though. I mean Foster actually joked during at least one of the Chevalier episode commentaries that they pretty much just tossed the original script aside and just did whatever the hell they wanted with it, turning it into just a full blown comedy. I think after I finish watching it subbed I'll go back and watch at least one episode dubbed, but pretty sure I'm not gonna like it that much.
  11. Le Chevalier D'Eon 9 - 20 This show is so much better than I remember it being. I dunno, I think I got kind of distracted by other stuff I had going on when I was watching it before and I ended up not paying it the attention that it deserved and just lost interest about half way through in watching the rest of it. Was hoping to finish it before today, but since it's Halloween it's gonna have to wait cuz I really want to watch at least some of Ghost Stories today. Trying to find where I put the DVDs for it was kind of its own Halloween nightmare. One of the sucky parts about having such a big collection. Part of me is curious about the dub, given how notorious it is, but I really don't like when they take big liberties with changing the meaning from the original Japanese, and I don't think there's a bigger example of them doing so probably than with Ghost Stories from what I've heard.
  12. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-watch-maker-investigation-wyoming-b2631311.html Donald Trump announced last month he is selling “truly special” Trump Watches priced up to $100,000 and constructed with “premium, Swiss-made” materials. The watches were part of the latest merchandise push by the former president. The Republican nominee for president wrote on his Truth Social platform about the devices and how “you’re going to love them.” He added: “Would make a great Christmas Gift. Don’t wait, they will go fast. GET YOUR TRUMP WATCH RIGHT NOW!” Now, the watchmaker's origins are in question after CNN tried to track down the company behind the devices. They aren't based in Switzerland, but their address returns to a strip mall. In Wyoming. Next to an HR&Block and a Wendy's. Even the address for TheBestWatchesOnEarth LLC was questioned by CNN's report. The address the watchmaker listed is a daycare. It's also the same address used by a lobbying firm that represents Montenegro's Government. The location is also tied to an LLC that sells male enhancement honey. It’s also the address given for the company behind Trump’s golden sneakers... The watch company LLC was created on July 29, just months before Trump began promoting the jewelry. The honey company that lists the same Wyoming address as TheBestWatchesOnEarth LLC, uses a similar name, TheBestHoneyOnEarth. Vladimir Dmitriev, a spokesperson for the honey seller, told CNN that the company is “highly reputable.” Dmitriev also told the outlet that he “received direction from our leadership” not “engage” with news agencies until after Election Day. This doesn't surprise me one bit.
  13. Le Chevalier D'Eon 1 - 8 Never did finish this one, so felt it's about time I got to doing so.
  14. So did anyone watch it all and completely lose their minds?
  15. I actually got to meet Mr. Rogers briefly as a child when my mom and I happened upon him on the street one time right when he was about to take off in his limo. It was such a long time ago, I can't honestly remember what he said to me, but he was every bit as cordial and polite to us as he was on his show. That much I remember. Still got his autograph somewhere.
  16. Just got through watching the final season of Star Trek Discovery. Pretty good ending. My only semi-complaint is the last episode felt a bit anti-climactic, but Trek has always been more about the journey than the destination anyway, so I'd say it's actually a very fitting conclusion for the series.
  17. Welp, my vote's in, so can't blame me for the potential upcoming impending apocalypse. At least not this one. BTW, I challenge anyone to listen to what you know who said about Arnold Palmer and be able to honestly say, "Yeah, that guy's presidential material." I thought we had hit the bottom of the barrel with the whole eating cats and dogs thing, but silly me... I forgot. There is no bottom anymore. ::smacks head::
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