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Everything posted by eklipse

  1. If my power was to strike at someone’s nerve, then yes. Like, “did you really close your garaaaageee dooooorrrrr” as I fly away. 😂 Other than that, no.
  2. Tempting…. but no, can’t do it. 😂
  3. How good it feels to climb into bed at the end of the day and just be a lump. :3
  4. Can they solve their IMDb rating? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1893088/
  5. Hell’s Paradise 10
  6. I want to see the story that involves :smileyindifferent:
  7. None yet but there are so many things bugs now. Blech. And I always hate worrying about ticks too when I go outside.
  8. Omg… why did you that to us Fox?? Why?? 🤣
  9. @Gemini is a pretty cool and friendly dude.
  10. Something lame. I think it was like Apple Snapple is Snapple Apple. *cringes* I had a link to a Naruto gif too because I was a big Narutard. (I’m still proud of this tho 😂) I liked DragoonKnight’s sig, it was something like “teen pregnancies drop at 20”.
  11. Steamed pork dumplings, egg drop soup, stir fried rice noodles, and other yummy things. Honestly, I feel like I’ve been eating too well lately and need to eat plain oatmeal for a week 😂
  12. I like how the OP set this up and then you all came in to knock it down.
  13. D’oh! I can’t even read my google translate properly. This thread has made me google a lot lol.
  14. Yea, same here. I mostly remember my early days of posting with people I really looked forward to seeing online. We genuinely had fun together on the boards. Berry was also one of my first [asmb] buds. ❤️
  15. Both! Although I haven’t watched [as] in a while. Now I want to rewatch some Harvey Birdman or Robot Chicken. 😂 Anyways, the last [as] show I watched was “Made in Abyss” season 2 (messed-up but interesting and good).
  16. How is it? I’ve never watched it. Watching One Piece 1059 Vinland Saga 22
  17. I think I boycotted that show because of the cod pieces. 😂 Unrelated but this is bringing memories of Recklessss Fireee too lol.
  18. Yes! The open eyes Who laughs with their eyes wide open like that?
  19. Maybe she was happy she had a lot of hamsters.
  20. I’m kinda glad I missed the kudos system now. 😂
  21. I’m aiming for 11pm each night too and trying to cut out screens 30 min before bed. Lately I’ve been failing one or both. ☹️
  22. Yea me too. I want to rewatch original Trigun. I finished Trigun Stampede but couldn’t even really compare because I forgot so much.
  23. Do you ever sleep?? I feel like I always see you holding the fort here. 😂
  24. Me rn. Ate too much.
  25. One Piece 1057 Still trying to catch up to current 😅
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