If my power was to strike at someone’s nerve, then yes.
Like, “did you really close your garaaaageee dooooorrrrr” as I fly away. 😂
Other than that, no.
Something lame. I think it was like Apple Snapple is Snapple Apple. *cringes* I had a link to a Naruto gif too because I was a big Narutard. (I’m still proud of this tho 😂)
I liked DragoonKnight’s sig, it was something like “teen pregnancies drop at 20”.
Steamed pork dumplings, egg drop soup, stir fried rice noodles, and other yummy things. Honestly, I feel like I’ve been eating too well lately and need to eat plain oatmeal for a week 😂
Yea, same here. I mostly remember my early days of posting with people I really looked forward to seeing online. We genuinely had fun together on the boards.
Berry was also one of my first [asmb] buds. ❤️
Both! Although I haven’t watched [as] in a while. Now I want to rewatch some Harvey Birdman or Robot Chicken. 😂
Anyways, the last [as] show I watched was “Made in Abyss” season 2 (messed-up but interesting and good).