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Everything posted by eklipse

  1. I feel this same way about frozen pizza (which I still love haha). Grew up eating it because it was cheap/convenient to pick up but I really like it still (it’s more doughy). There’s probably a comfort element in there too.
  2. Wow, so many. I haven’t seen Monarch butterflies since I was a kid. There used to be so many. I bought some milk weed seeds to help them out but I uhhh…. have a black thumb and haven’t attempted to grow them yet. 😅
  3. Hmmm, I don’t have any favorites. But I remember when Beezo would join the aim chats. It was like a celebrity joining lol! So funny. Also, I was always so clueless as to who was really a mod, lol. 😅
  4. Really? Domino’s is OK now? I remember it tasting like cardboard decades ago. Maybe I’ll give it a try again (it’s closer to my house). I like Round Table. It’s the only chain pizza I get right now. Also I still say “pizza! Pizza!” even tho I haven’t had Lil’ Caesars in forever. 😂
  5. Oh no! We haven’t been sprayed yet. I’m hoping they just become chill creatures that hang around but I read that adult skunks move fairly frequently. The babies are super cute tho and I’ve seen them play together. Now, I’m thinking about all the animals that love our house. There’s 2-3 neighborhood cats that usually have a standoff in our backyard. They all want pets and food. 😂 Then we have tons of squirrels (giant oaks in the backyard). I kinda hate them tho because they jump on our screen door and beg for food. We had to stop giving them peanuts because they’re too annoying. We also have lots of different small birds and a bunch of crows. (The peanuts brought pretty blue jays but we had to discontinue that). The crows go crazy for the cat food too. 😂 I’m trying to get the crows to bring me a gift. (I read if you put out gifts for them in the same spot, they’ll maybe bring you a gift). Ok this was long. 😅
  6. I’m proud to report I had garlic chicken pizza tonight. So… how much is the Pizza industry paying you to plant the suggestion/craving?! Jk
  7. How cute baby skunks are. And how loud skunks are when they eat. (There’s one chomping the cat food that we leave outside right now).
  8. Probably a lot too. But I’m not bored.
  9. That’s terrible. Sorry that happened to you.
  10. Thank you sir! I’d like to try that pineapple vodka too. (Copycat 😆) @atomicinumatt I haven’t been to a bar in forever. Sounds like you had a good night tho!
  11. Two wrongs don’t make a right! 😂 These clips are hilarious. I’ll never look at Apple cores the same again
  12. Thanks for the info guys! *sits down at the bar* Can I have a vodka cranberry?
  13. Awww!! Yes he did ☺️ Those green aliens were so cute.
  14. Lmao! I ended up looking up Mr. Potato Head history. Did you know he had kids and fruit friends?!
  15. #bestlife 😆
  16. This is a mood too 😆
  17. UBF! I totally forgot about that! I was fox’s disciple too. 😂 I sent this to Dian and Berry for memories.
  18. How grateful I am for everything, even the not so fun things. 💓
  19. Hmm maybe he’ll come back here. On another note: I just realized we had two “captains” and they’re both kind of food related lol.
  20. Nah I’m good. I could probably use some eye drops and a nap tho.
  21. Me.
  22. Good for you. You’re living your truth. So many aren’t brave enough to do that.
  23. Dick Butkus I always say it butt-kiss - but that’s probably not how it’s pronounced 😂
  24. I MISS u 2. <3
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