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Everything posted by eklipse

  1. RoboPope endorses hamburger sand? Nice. By the way, as your former disciple, I got your back in fighting tyranny. Even tho I have no idea what is going on and if there are factions or hamburger sand cooking stations, etc. Is there a [classic_swim] faction I can join? *rabble rabble rabble*
  2. What is this?? 😂 Is this the DA ‘SPLOSIONS guy?
  3. I liked that one too (except for the ending part with the wife - I felt bad for her). Anyways, I can see people being like “WTF NO” to the premise of the story 😂
  4. Lol! He might not trust you again
  5. I would be stressed out by this too. I’m always super self-critical when I’m cooking for others (outside my home) lol. Anyways I’m sure you’ll do great because you’re already looking into the details. I’m thinking about how I get a four day weekend! Woohoo 🥳.
  6. Is that the one with the grain? I liked that one. I can just imagine how anxious people like myself would analyze everything to death lol. There are some really good black mirror episodes and a bunch of weird ones too (like Striking Vipers ).
  7. I didn’t even know this existed. I’ll try it if I get the chance! I rarely watch TV so I don’t see many commercials I never know about the latest pizzas, movies or whatever.
  8. I was letting this simmer to come back and tease you! Lol. Hopefully you could still taste them ok.
  9. Oh man, poor Sorting Hat
  10. Whatever, it’s your hot body.
  11. Mashle 161 My Hero Academia 392 Black Clover 363 Jujutsu Kaisen 226
  12. Your body is preparing for the Doritos salt content. It knows and is taking care of the thirst already.
  13. “Slow Dance with You” from Adventure Time (sung by Marceline) https://youtu.be/k4Am5o4tAhA
  14. You are blameless. It’s really the Doritos fault - I mean who can resist??
  15. For some reason, I can only think of mimes in the 1920s. Also, hi Jack!
  16. Can your friends set you up? The apps sound horrible. It seems like people wouldn’t want to spend the time to get to know someone because they can always swipe for someone else. What’s it called (?), choice paralysis or whatever. Although I have a couple of friends who met their husbands on apps but I don’t know which ones and this was a long time ago.
  17. Stupid bodies! Burrito sounds so good right now. 🤤. I won’t eat again tho. I don’t like eating late at night.
  18. That would be so cool. Good luck!
  19. Chicken tikka masala.… at like 4:30pm. Now I’m hungry again
  20. Is that the game with the naked basket head guy? The story about him was cool. Thinking about how tomorrow is finally Friday. Man… long week.
  21. eklipse

    Pokémon Go

    Now that I don’t commute, I can’t raid as much. I always relied on the spoofers in the city. 😅. I love working from home tho. I’ll trade PoGo legendaries for that.
  22. eklipse

    Pokémon Go

    Thanks! Wow everyone is so high-level. I worked hard to get to 40 and then they added more levels
  23. eklipse

    Pokémon Go

    I don’t like the AR view of cacturne. 😂
  24. I liked Beyond the Sea and Demon 79. Beyond the Sea was really interesting. Wonder what the Breaking Bad guy did afterwards, considering he only shared in the first place because he was concerned about his own survival (need two people to man the ship). The others were ok. I liked that Joan finally felt like the main character of her life in the end.
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