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Everything posted by eklipse

  1. I remember this name! Good to see you
  2. Haha! You probably made a lot of thread starters happy. Seeing your thread hit Page 2 so fast without any replies might be a bummer lol. It was funny how Page 2 was written off like it was ancient history already.
  3. IB was really fun - lots of different types of threads there too. I had fun spamming IB when I would venture outside of Babbling. Although, I didn’t know Babbling was jerks tho until I came here to UEMB.
  4. Leftover tamales (yum!), mango, cherry tomatoes and some apple slices. For dessert, I made kettle corn for the second time. It came out well and I didn’t burn it this time (I tried yesterday and it was a smoky disaster lol).
  5. Oh yea, it was! Wasn’t there a special rank too? And wow, in the thousands. That’s amazing 🤩
  6. *salutes* Did you use this same name on the [asmb]?
  7. Be gentle with yourself. I don’t think anyone fully gets over that kind of grief.
  8. *big hugs* I’m so sorry and please don’t apologize.
  9. They were the best I think everyone had a good laugh.
  10. It is too crazy how fast time flies (damn, I sound hella old haha). And then the 3 lockdown years felt like one long year to me because I didn’t do much. 😅
  11. So you were extra bad because doesn’t seem like there would be many laws in the Stone Age anyways
  12. That emoji! oh yea, mine was skillful outlaw in the 1920s. so basically we’re both criminals
  13. I like your threads! Post moar I know what you mean tho, I think I lurked a lot later on.
  14. You probably climbed the ranks then! That’s probably enough for Order of the Owl? I was maybe around 5000, not sure what rank I ended with. But maybe someday, I’ll be a SwimStar.
  15. Yea! I think that’s why I remember your name even tho I didn’t post much. It’s all good! I always felt like I had to “tend” to the thread and I iz lazy so I didn’t start them.
  16. Who were you in your past life?
  17. Love it!! Yea, people like you were like the lifeline. *salutes*
  18. Oh, yea mine probably wouldn’t have gotten much attn either. The two I did got lulz. I liked posting (spamming) in other people’s threads more.
  19. Chicken, pork ribs, rice and broccoli. But the best part was my dessert - manju! (Japanese sweet treat) 😋
  20. I think I only started two - one asking if there were any body builders (because my friend wanted to see if there were any lmao - I reported back to her that everyone laughed ) and another about whether I should cut my hair. Anyways, always appreciated the thread starters, especially since I didn’t.
  21. Watching Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone with my girls. We’re going to universal studios and they won’t be able to read all the books in time. So movies it is! Although the books will always be better (yes, I’m a book snob lol).
  22. They were hilarious. If you ever do it again, post it here (please!!) I only came back a couple weekends ago for the 20th anniversary. I was pleasantly surprised to see so many holding down the new fort.
  23. Wow, @Virtual Satyr visited! Come back and tell us a story! Jk. Anyways good to see you.
  24. I just watched this trailer and I’m scared. 😂
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