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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. the new ship is the Vindication?
  2. will we have Crashes tonight?, stay tuned
  3. as previously stated Suoer is actually completely devoid of anything that would require visual editing, the only questionable content is a few sexual jokes Funimation will most likely fifteen the hell out of it to up it's rating because if left True to source the show will have a Pg raiting
  4. Why Disney cancelled Phineas and Ferb just to replace it with a LITERALLY IDENTICAL show confuses me.....but weird Al is writing the songs for it so that instantly makes it okay in my book
  5. **enters thread and sees woman on a toilet** **walks back out of thread**
  6. just wanted to show you Veronica Taylor (classic Ash Ketchum) as the Daimon Scar, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Erba_rDQyNM
  7. how about this Chill AF remix of Arnold's theme from Hey Arnold
  8. you didn't kill my boner(''>_>'')**stares at your butt**, just my music boner
  9. **realizes I converted you to the vapor aesthetic** Yeeeees, YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!(''#;:::::;#'')
  10. Boy you know if you ask me for chill music you're gon' get some damn Vaporwave
  11. I don't envy you, I had bed bugs earlier this year and they literally ruined my life
  12. they probably did that for the same reason Pokemon stopped making refferences to the show being set in Japan, because they're pre-americanizing the show for overseas markets and were expecting the show to air on a Kid's network that said don't worry Funimation will make the Characters yell "shit" every 3 minuets thus enabling it to air on Toonami, they always do
  13. okay, the only two of those that really made me laugh was the show that was actually COMPLETELTY reanimated in an entirely different art Medium , and the fanservice show that was MORE CENSORED in the Blu-Ray than it was on TV and actually TV anime looking shittier than their home video relese has been a thing since at least 2000 and only with some companies, not all companies think relesing a shitty product will improve DVD sales (and based on Toei's experience with that tactic they may stop doing it since SM Crystal season 1 and 2 were so maligned that they hired on more animators and redesigned everything for season 3) edit: they should remaster RWBY the same way they did that one CGI show.........RWBY is hideous to me
  14. the funny thing is the Vaporwave aesthetic is mainstream now but the music can't be because it's mostly made up of Sampling.....which is a form of Plagiarism....I don't care either way though I just think it sounds good
  15. of all the honey varieties I've tasted it's the shittiest Orange Blossom is delicious and to date the best honey I ever had was wildflower honey, but Clover honey is just...BLEEEGH, it's got a bitter aftertaste and it stings my throat on the way down in a way that no other honey I've tasted ever has
  16. Rose flavored drinks and Candies are one of those things I keep meaning to try but never end up trying because I can't find them I'm curious if there's such a thing as Rose flavored Soda other Flower flavors I keep wanting to try but can't find are Lavender, Sakura(cherry blossom) and Dandelions(apperently all parts of the plant are edible)
  17. the last, oh 10 or so SU episodes have been filler episodes with Troll titles (meant to trick the viewer into thinking they aren't filler) Star Vs. does no such viewer manipulation the last Decent ep of SU was the one with Studio Trigger doing guest animation
  18. a thread to discuss cartoons you remember watching as a child(or otherwise) but that fall into one or more of these categories Weird = self explainatory, a cartoon that you remember being weird or making no sense Obscure = very few people remember this cartoon, or maybe even nobody but you remembers it, note: just because it's obscure doesn't mean it's bad, it just means it for whatever reason didn't hold onto a fanbase and ended prematurely, or alternatively, shows that classify as Lost Media also count as "Obscure" Bad = you remember watching it but strongly dislike it in retrospect my contribution Xiaolin Showdown as a Bad cartoon I recall loving this show as a kid, but in retrospect......it's horrible, first of all the show was weirdly racist(every character was basically made up of negative racial stereotypes, ESPECIALLY the heroic characters, Omi was a BRIGHT YELLOW asian boy who spoke broken english and had tiny squinty eyes, Kimiko was a Harajuku girl stereotype, Raimundo was a sex hungry spicy latino(or at the very least as Sex hungry as a kid's show would let him be), and Clay, the only (definitively) white one dispite being a cowboy, was not anywhere near as overtly stereotyped), and it's only likeable character was Jack Spicer, who the viewer was told to hate because he was a Ginger and (implied to be) Gay, or at least feminine (he may have also been Albino as his skin was paper white and his eyes were red), there was a reboot of the show on Disney a few years ago that was cancelled quickly when Disney noticed there was an Incest storyline
  19. unless AS cancells Toonami there's always time for movies next year
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