a thread to discuss cartoons you remember watching as a child(or otherwise) but that fall into one or more of these categories
Weird = self explainatory, a cartoon that you remember being weird or making no sense
Obscure = very few people remember this cartoon, or maybe even nobody but you remembers it, note: just because it's obscure doesn't mean it's bad, it just means it for whatever reason didn't hold onto a fanbase and ended prematurely, or alternatively, shows that classify as Lost Media also count as "Obscure"
Bad = you remember watching it but strongly dislike it in retrospect
my contribution
Xiaolin Showdown as a Bad cartoon
I recall loving this show as a kid, but in retrospect......it's horrible, first of all the show was weirdly racist(every character was basically made up of negative racial stereotypes, ESPECIALLY the heroic characters, Omi was a BRIGHT YELLOW asian boy who spoke broken english and had tiny squinty eyes, Kimiko was a Harajuku girl stereotype, Raimundo was a sex hungry spicy latino(or at the very least as Sex hungry as a kid's show would let him be), and Clay, the only (definitively) white one dispite being a cowboy, was not anywhere near as overtly stereotyped), and it's only likeable character was Jack Spicer, who the viewer was told to hate because he was a Ginger and (implied to be) Gay, or at least feminine (he may have also been Albino as his skin was paper white and his eyes were red), there was a reboot of the show on Disney a few years ago that was cancelled quickly when Disney noticed there was an Incest storyline