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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. okay, I'm calling BS. on japanese censorship laws aside from that I love this anime and I'm literally overcome with joy that it exists
  2. I'm starting Yuri on ice ep. 6 I have had a few drinks.......this might be a mistake edit:
  3. edit: I just caught myself google searching "why does cum smell like bleach", I'd say I have a decent buzz going
  4. A E S T H E T I C
  5. I doubht that, considering Evangelion 4.44 is a lie
  6. that or Miyazaki will just become a lich and continue making movies dispite being dead
  7. Fuggz is okay, Zeni is okay, J-man is okay since he's leaving me alone now but Ben0119 seems to hate my guts
  8. STOP PRETENDING TO RETIRE! http://9gag.com/gag/any9Gwn?ref=tp at this point it's just annoying
  9. I was gonna say
  10. Pumpkin pie is gross Pumpkin cheesecake however is f**king incredible
  11. did they ever explain why he had the wrong hair color?
  12. what's there to be happy about?
  13. I hate Pumpkin pie too
  14. NOTHING CAN STOP, THE SMOOOOOOZE!!!!**wiggles arms**
  15. Fappy 2016istheapocalypsegiving
  16. Yuri on Ice 5 this show is a f**king blessing
  17. oh, carry on then
  18. mochi

    Pokemon Sun & Moon

    considering the colors of the Team Skull Grunt's hair, also side note I no longer hate the female trainer's default design, I still get a Kick out of the fact that she's wearing a "chicken glove" hat though
  19. considering I love Utena your troll edit isn't wrong
  20. speaking of Yoi the creator's tweets are giving some funny insight into Japan's censorship guidelines apparently edit: I swear to you I have no clue why I keep misspelling the word "apparently"
  21. I'm thankful for Yuri on ice
  22. finished ep. 4 of Yuri on ice I can't legitimately remember the last time I grinned ear to ear while watching an anime
  23. that's what cock rings are for though if you have such a huge problem with premature ejaculation that even a ring won't help you should probably see a doctor
  24. I wondered the same thing, how would having a numb penis be beneficial to sex in any way?
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