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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. it's worse from this angle
  2. , a healthy glow that apperently feels like you're coated in pudding
  3. the only thing I remember about Yugioh ZeXal us that that guy ends up in a Gay sex position with another guy after bumping into him at the start of season two.....if I could find the image I would
  4. is that what his name means? cause I thought the Japanese word for moon was "Tsuki"
  5. what you see before you is YOUR IMMORTAL SOUL!
  6. so he IS Kabuto then?
  7. all this ren and ten talk is reminding me of the Six Powers from one Piece
  8. not unless Trump gets impeached along with his entire party
  9. I'm sad I'll be missing Naruto....not cause I like it but because we don't usually notice the clichee theme for the night until that show what is it btw?
  10. funimation confirmed that they're dubbing Super buu saga on the other hand still no word
  11. I'm very tired, I'm probably gonna crash after this show
  12. Mikazuki must have Diarrhea constantly considering he ONLY eats Chocolate
  13. Aw, he loves that Hideous Dragon-lady girl
  14. remember that time that one super butch girl from the Space Harem was on Hot pepper gaming(and is also apparently the voice of Barbie)
  15. wait how long has Toonami had it's own website?..........guess they're cutting adultswim.com Loose entirely
  16. I love some slice of life shows by themselves (like Nichijou and Azumanga Daioh), but most of them make me have to vomit (like Lucky Star)
  17. off topic but I still don't think Erica Mendez is a good fit for Sailor uranus, she sounds much too feminine (Uranus is supposed to sound like a guy) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpDH3r5lPK0
  18. to be fair the only reason I call her Space Hilary is because she DRESSES exactly like Hilary she doesn't actually resemble her in any other way
  19. I swear to god that guy has an octo-beard because the villian in the second tenchi Ova did and as established this show is lifting the space Harem from Tenchi
  20. the second opening reminds me of Seven Deadly sins too both have alightly awkward but almost perfectly pronounced english(in this case it's 'We are", they pronounce Survivor horribly)
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