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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. actually that's not true I also know they call Eggplants "Aubergines" in England
  2. the only British Idiom I know is that they call boogers "bogeys" and "Bubble and Squeak" means Succotash
  3. I usually wait till Naruto to announce what the theme is, but IT'S DISINTEGRATION NIGHT ON TOONAMI!
  4. friendly reminder that Peter Cullen did a Promo for Teen Titans go!.....but not Toonami this weekend, the fuck man?
  5. time for Hokuto no Ken with 80's Pop culture refferences!
  6. yep, Vegeta is the only reason Gohan won this fight everyone else was doing fuck-all
  7. how much energy can they expend and not die?
  8. well yamcha's gonna do fuck all
  9. don't worry Gohan, Green Dad is fine
  10. now........assuming we don't get the Buu Saga after this.........the f**k are we supposed to do till Super finishes dubbing?
  11. If I could afford a gd PS4 I'd be playing it too
  12. THE LAST GUARDIAN!!!!!!!!!!, FINALLY NOT VAPORWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. oh look, a game based on that Giant anime created by a Neo Nazi (I'm semi-joking but several of the heroic characters are based on WW2 war Criminals so....the creator has weird priorities)
  14. there goes Silent night again
  15. this is kinda the turning point where Vegeta started softening
  16. uuuuh...it's kinda yer' Dad's fault Gohan and also Krillin, and Vegeta's...basically everyone BUT you screwed the pooch on this one Gohan
  17. It still weirds me out what a bad Singer Goku's voice actor is
  18. recap was a full 3 minuets
  19. this is a pretty involved recap
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