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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. wow I did not expect Anno to sue anyone ever....especially when someone once asked him if he was aware that Disney plagiarized Nadia: the secret of Blue water to make their Atlantis movie in an interview and his response was "yes and I don't care"
  2. to be fair a lot of the shitty animation was fixed following fan complaints (accompanied by Toei whining that they shouldn't be held accountable for terrible animation that they made) so the version Funi got probably looks much better than the original TV airings did (much like Sailor Moon Crystal)
  3. probably (not necessarily though, Funi did call him Hercule in the Nicktoons airing so they could still do an edit if a kids network pays them to) edit: Mr. Satan's Skin is darker than it was in Z in that clip....he's closer to his Manga coloration (where his skin was brown), just thought that was interesting
  4. Warrior Lesbians are always fun
  5. actually where I am the tempurature has yet to drop below 50
  6. I knew that but didn't know he had a tumblr or where it is.... P.s. I would like to know his tumblr cause he was sort of my friend edit: never mind I found it, hurray for reconnecting with friends!
  7. I only reached that conclusion because a great deal of the time (not always but often) I'll start reading an "In progress" furry Comic that the artist claimed would be a Gay comic, then out of nowhere a Futa or hetero sex scene pops in towards the end, rendering the comic Bisexual rather than actually Gay there's also one artist who USED to draw exclusively gay comics, then started drawing Bi ones, and is now (from the looks of it) a really weird Homophobe who still draws Bi comics but throws in weird morals about Straight sex being better and more normal than Gay sex....basically he's just a lunatic
  8. I never got into Shameless, , that's about all I know about the show
  9. animation wise it's less of a disaster than Seasons 1 and 2 of Sailor Moon Crystal......but not by much and if you're a fan of Vegeta don't watch it AT ALL until the , and stop watching it after said Arc concludes Crystal season 3 improved greatly on all levels (with the exception that some of the scenes are a touch less compelling than the 90's version simply by virtue of trying (a bit to hard) to follow the Manga exactly and not being as creative as Kunihiko Ikuhara's scenes from the 90's anime)
  10. there have been one or two adult jokes but they're very subdued
  11. just a friendly reminder that this is Happening (and it'll probably end up on Toonami........and if not Toonami then a super butchered kid friendly edit on Disney is the only other logical possibility)
  12. mochi

    Pokemon Sun & Moon

    Relevant if you've reached the postgame(spoilers otherwise)
  13. mochi

    the SAO video games

  14. mochi

    the SAO video games

    well that's to be expected, SAO's characters are horrible .hack's Gameplay isn't the greatest either but the games were unique for what they were at the time(being a fake emulation of an MMO)
  15. considering they're made by the same people as the .hack games I'm assuming they're fundementally the same as the .hack series gameplay wise, but without the "email" portion of the game (since Kirito can't log out)
  16. night guys, I can't stay awake any longer, seeya next weekend
  17. , yeah floormasters are just wallmasters that are already there....also they break into smaller floormasters when you kill them
  19. was it necessary for them to show Gon squat on the camera?
  20. oh Hey Misty is back
  21. I liked the artstyle of ZeXal (because the characters didn't look like skeletons) but hated the actual character designs
  22. in Zelda if you defeat a floormaster you have to kill 3 smaller floormasters
  23. I posted some images Edit: the english version re-animated the scene entirely to make their position less...questionable, if I recall
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