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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. so electing the KKK president made your stocks go up?
  2. mochi

    Persona 5

    I looked up a voice compare, ps2 Chie sounded old too....wow, no wonder they replaced their voices in golden
  3. , occording to several articles, the Alt-Right content was edited out of episodes before they aired because they creeped the f**k out of the network censors
  4. I had no idea this show even existed, was it one of those things AS aired 4 am as part of their "off the air" segments?
  5. mochi

    Persona 5

    **slaps your butt**.........well you said whoop Ass time:|
  6. mochi

    Persona 5

  7. mochi

    Persona 5

    probably because her voice actress is 45
  8. there's, some, but the overwhelming majority seem to be Gay or Bi, mostly Bi, realistically the furry fandom is probably about 60% Bi 30% gay and 10% hetero and that's only covering sexuality, I have no idea how many Trans furries there are
  9. this is Tracey Moore.....she's actually similar to Stephanie Sheh, just less nasal, she only did Serena's voice for about 10 episodes
  10. there was a woman who made paintings from her on menstrual blood and claimed it was feminist she also made a painting out of the Ashes of jews killed by the Nazis
  11. the entire new dub cast is amazing new dub old dub
  12. I'd rather not watch it, as I pointed out, I did try to watch shameless once, and hated it, I just don't get the appeal of a show where horrible people are horrible, I don't care if it has Gay characters if none of them are likeable at all
  13. they did....but then hulu did that whole "every show is a paid subscription" nonsense, and it seems to no longer be the case as the show is now also available on Yahoo view
  14. Dbs will do fine I hope Disney does well with anime and gets Sailor Moon because Disney, while more or less total cowards when it comes to LGBT stuff, have been trying hard to be more feminist, so they might air some anime with female leads someday
  15. and before that they had a DBZ one
  16. not until they get Sailor Moon back
  17. you must've been a pretty serious alcoholic to compare being sick to being hung over rather than the other way around like most people do
  18. my only issue with the storyline is that all the stuff I've read about it seems to imply the show is treating dating a trans or genderfluid person as somehow making you bisexual reguardless of what your personal sexual Identity is I would have to watch the show to know if that's actually the case, but all the stuff I'm reading seems to make it look like a convoluted retconn to make Ian Bisexual rather than gay edit: having read some less bias'd reviews it seems like it's more the opposite case and they ARE still treating Ian as gay so **shrug** I have no issues with the storyline
  19. well phillies wasn't banned for posting Inuyasha being fucked by Sesshomaru in my "male hawtness" thread
  20. it's also been posted on tumblr also we're ALSO getting the Buu Saga so two of Toonami's shows are gonna be Dragonball
  21. considering Funi and Toei are still denying that a dub of the Buu Saga was produced, I wouldn't hold my breath
  22. not that one is happening in the near future but that Disney is "keeping the option open" http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/moana-directors-possibilities-are-open-for-lgbtq-disney-princess_us_582a8696e4b060adb5701ac0?section=us_queer-voices? what I gleam from this Disney knows they have to do something Gay since all their competitors have already(in some capacity) so they're making hollow promises my Predictions for this if an LGBT princess does happen 1. it'll be a Lesbian since it's "prettier" and more marketable that way(i.e. they can just repurpose Ariel's head mold for the dolls like with Elsa, Anna and Rapunzel) 2. related to the first point, she'll be white, so they can use that as an excuse to make her an Ariel look-alike again 3. if it comes out soon, it'll be very rushed and not good 4. if it comes out a looooong time from now, nobody will care and will make fun of Disney for taking so long 5. they could also choose the "we dont care so we're gonna do it cheap" route and make her a TV only Princess in a low budget Disney channel series like Elena of Avalor rather than give her an actual movie they spent time, money or effort on 6. they'll allow for plausible deniability if anyone gets angry about their kids movie pushing they "Gay agenda" (like when they backpedaled on the Lesbian couple in finding Dory saying they were "whatever you want them to be" )
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