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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. except Krillin is sexy because he's ripped and isn't a horrible person
  2. mochi

    I'm alive

    you mean the one usernamed Ben right....cause there are several users I know who are actually named Ben and it'd be kind of shocking if THEY voted for Trump
  3. I have no idea what ep we're on because I didn't watch Toonami at all the majority of the time I was homeless, I'm only caught up on DBZ and Gundam
  4. mochi

    I'm alive

    yes, it's very small but it's a place to live so I'm not complaining
  5. I would get drunk but I'm not familiar with the area we moved to enough to know which of the thousands of Liquor stores in my neighborhood is the cheapest and in the mental state I'm in right now....prooooobably shouldn't get drunk
  6. mochi

    I'm alive

    for the time being....I can't guarentee some Trump supporting KKK member won't lynch me
  7. mochi

    I'm alive

    easy for you to say, you aren't the one who might actually get killed just for existing
  8. mochi

    I'm alive

    that's his plan except we'd be in an even WORSE place than before Obama before Obama gay people couldn't marry and couldn't serve in the Military yes....but we could have sex, could use public restrooms and could EXIST, what Pence and Trump wanna do is reCriminalize BEING gay, basically I could be jailed or Killed just because I've admitted to you guys that other dudes buttholes make my dick hard
  9. I'd let you bunk with me, but that would probably be uncomfortable for you
  10. mochi

    I'm alive

    it's already Begun, except WE'RE the bad guys this time because we're the ones with a Faschist dictator bent on World domination/genocide
  11. mochi

    I'm alive

    more like Pence = Hitler Trump = a Hand Puppet that does whatever Pence tells it to do
  12. mochi

    I'm alive

    he'd have to have a heart to die of a heart attack and besides if he dies then we have Pence as a president and he's just as putrid
  13. mochi

    I'm alive

    the fact that 50% of the country is Rioting is a small source of comfort if everyone just layed back and accepted this I'd have felt more helpless
  14. mochi

    I'm alive

    which is the entire reason they're gone I still can't belive that America is still racist, sexist, Homophobic, and Transfobic enough to elect Trump I guess our country is as much of a dumpster fire as the remnants of the ASMB were
  15. mochi

    I'm alive

    pooh gave me that link too, I can't log in for some reason
  16. mochi

    I'm alive

    Disgust and they've been gone since like July
  17. mochi

    I'm alive

    okay, sorry
  18. mochi

    I'm alive

    is that a threat?
  19. mochi

    I'm alive

    so....there's that
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