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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. it sounds like "silent night"
  2. only time will tell
  3. so they gonna get back into space? also Fat cell
  4. I'm probably going to have to leave before Naruto and One Piece tonight, I have places to be in the morning
  5. not all Vegetarians are vegetarian for "decency" reasons some either can't eat red meat due to dietary conditions, religion or just don't like the taste
  6. , and people wonder why I find Goku obnoxious
  7. will only watch if Briefers gets a sexy transformation sequence
  8. happy birthday
  9. I thought tetsusaiga died....or was that the other tetsu?
  10. that we're on the Crux of committing a nazi Germany-esque Genocide within our own country legit nobody cares that large groups of innocent people are going to be rounded up and murdered by our newly White supremacist run government
  11. I don't know anymore, I haven't had a chance to look through all the DVD's I managed to save from the eviction but I'm sure I lost some
  12. **squeals**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NPFbtSEFjw
  13. is April fools stuff possible on here?
  14. mochi


  15. peel off base coat, thank me later(use a good one though not an Elmer's glue based one)
  16. I never said I played it, I just watched lets plays of it and listened to the ost
  17. I literally want it for no other reason than to get Source filmmaker for........reasons, and then I will have no use for it (and based on the fact that every source claims Steam is a requirement for sfm I'm gonna assume sfm runs checks to make sure you have a steam account when you use it)
  18. **grabs your face** nooooooo(''T3T'')
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8m06E1sVznI
  20. MAKIN' MAH WAY DOWNTOWN, RFACES PAST N' I"m BNOMEBOUND~!!!!!!!!!!! **piano**
  21. DRUNK BABY MOCHI!!!!!(''+_#'')
  22. ...................https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxIolsintCQ ?!
  23. I watched ep. 7 too
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