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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. i dont believe it! mosquitos penis is just so out there
  2. i have been wanting to take a trip east for a while now O0...
  3. i never had venison before
  4. Distortedreasoning


  5. Distortedreasoning


    i did not know O0
  6. packers are looking pretty scary now. aaron rogers is just insane.
  7. claim unemployment and enjoy getting paid for not working O0 :420:
  8. id wish you luck but knowing you, youll be fired in 3 weeks O0
  9. she has a dick.
  10. as much as i like snow, i cant afford to miss any more work from bad weather. they really hit me hard in the paper.
  11. definitely can make an argument for nes to be best console. lots of good, well designed games on that console with many games that are still fun to play today. the only knock against it would be the large amount of crap titles but thats true with most consoles.
  12. had some fish tacos O0
  13. only if its less than 6 inches.
  14. typical lasty.
  15. move onto 4k you peasant.
  16. i thought you were white?
  17. good point, something important should always be started soon. i think what the new year supplies is the "fresh start" mentality people use as motivation. it doesnt seem like a big thing but it can be kinda energizing.
  18. but lying to other people is a different story O0
  19. fuck you skiles, im keeping my weight now!
  20. cant you delete them all and say you never got any of the emails? thats what i would do O0
  21. i dont work tomorrow either O0
  22. Distortedreasoning


  23. as uch as i would like anyone, if i see pee, im moving out the way
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