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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. how do you get money back from shoping? i would say do it! seems like it will save you time.
  2. i havent been watching much basketball this season since i dont have cable and local tv doesnt show many games either. i could still go and watch them at work but the that room is farther away now.
  3. gaaayyyyyyyy! O0
  4. took me a while to get.
  5. thats kinda cool.
  6. rip princess leia :'(
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKlMx6y1pFU
  8. i dont think anyone should hire ric to babysit anything.
  9. either way, im ignoring all those people ;D
  10. where are all the white women at!
  11. buy a wedding ring and marry someone 8)
  12. even with most the playoffs already decided theres still a lot at stake for some of these team. even the pats cant overlook their game against the fins ;D hopefully detroit can make it. im tired of seeing the packers the last few years and wanna see the lions come back. tho the packers are on a roll and look hard to stop. also good riddance to rex ryan. his defenses have been getting shredded the last couple of games.
  13. a couple of these arent very outrages or secretive at all. like master debater having a hard on for crazy gary or phillies being married to anime ;D
  14. congrats and have a cigar on me 8)
  15. buy drinks for everybody to celebrate the occasion.
  16. definitely asmb in the final two years. it almost felt like the mods were never there. sony and bethesda forum mods were up there as well but not for being absent but for being terrible all around.
  17. as much as i hate the pats *tuck rule game still on my mind like it was yeasterday* i can never find myself rooting for the cowboys if they played against each other in the superbowl. can there be any two teams that are hated this much in america?
  18. 9/11 was an inside job! haha probably not but look at how much that event impacted the country for the worse.
  19. oh well, maybe next time you should puposely get pulled over again and have your chance at that.
  20. they did a good job with the library selection i give them that but they severely underestimated the demand for this thing.
  21. this never happened 8)
  22. you should have talked back to him and intimidated him just like zeni would have done.
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