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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. Distortedreasoning


    they were going to come here anyways. lets hope they deal with them better here than on asmb. thats part of the reason why we gt away in the first place.
  2. i could see it happening in our lifetimes where bugs replace cows, pigs, and chicken as our main source of protein.
  3. so many nerds here able to help you with your pc problems. i dont do macs but im sure we got a nerd for that too. maybe. idk.
  4. i like how in the short amount of time that its been legal we have managed to open so many shops city wide ;D
  5. you know he's coming. besides i told him his best friends wanted him there ;D
  6. when you hit reply or quote, scroll down some more. you will see the last couple of posts. they all have a blue texted "insert quote" hyperlink you can click on. tho i still dont know how to multi quote from many different pages.
  7. ok i dont want you to moderate no more.
  8. can be hard to squeeze in some time to play. i also havent played much lately when i went back to working nights but i am keeping up with the newest sets.
  9. [move]stock market down because viper has more power more at 11[/move]
  10. i dont think it went like that ;D
  11. talk about all things magic here!
  12. YES! YES! YES! multi quote testing i would also like to see bigger avatars modify works good too.
  13. testing quotes with video
  14. long as its sexy idc what how you rule.
  15. no issues on my work pc's.
  16. bad poll pooh. the odds favorite to win it all is the pats but eff that team. im going with my team the raiders baby!
  17. i could never get polls to work on the old asmb
  18. im gonna report you to the mod. just testing it out to see if it works...
  19. this finally work for phone now?
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