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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. im sure you seen social media already and all those funny but messed up memes of her. the internet is vicious in their attack. but yeah she is still an accomplished fighter. very rich. and still has fans. i dont follow mma closely but i do know she was tearing it up for a while up until her recent losses.
  2. neither can i but it dont matter when youre drunk.
  3. i played card games and won then i went over to visit my cousins and got drunk and did karaoke.
  4. it's got to be a joke thread right? who in their right mind would defend ronda?
  5. i better see the thread with the link to her video when that happens O0
  6. oh so you know >
  7. i'd watch 8)
  8. i cant even handle sore throat and runny nose!
  9. haha! what can i say? i have no shame
  10. mtgo client might be your best bet. that or cockatrice. i played a frontier tournament this week and won. i piloted a atarka red deck to a 1st place finish. swept the whole thing.
  11. hmm maybe not... i forgot that my religion doesnt allow me to gamble O0
  12. temps arent that bad in the NW region. winters arent that cold in comparison to the rest of the nation. and in the summer it doesnt get so hot either. most of the time it's cloudy and rainy.
  13. we should have a bet O0
  14. i dont know owo
  15. im always rooting for you. except if and when our teams play in football
  16. reported!
  17. not only it can be a resolution, but its a really good one at that. good luck O0
  18. cuz god dont like losers.
  19. nothing weird at all here. everything about us gives us the edge we need to be the top dominant species at this time.
  20. seattle is a nice city. though kinda expensive.
  21. thats a stupid question.
  22. i think you can recover from this rough start. easy peasy O0
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