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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. kinda jealous. i wish i had a somewhat normal schedule. but no, the vampire life for me.
  2. i never played the game but i'll take someone elses word for it 8)
  3. are you correcting me out in public?
  4. where do you have in mind? and dam i didnt know okc gets that hot in the summertime.
  5. but i love to judge!
  6. you might be better off on taking the mechanic and music courses. do something that might get you employed and something you enjoy.
  7. i make them just to fail at trying them.
  8. thats the stupidest thing ever!
  9. about two days left for the years, what are your guy's resolution for 2017? for me, im gonna lose weight
  10. im gonna have to take your word for it O0
  11. without any details it really dont sound like anything that bad. i dont know, there wouldnt be that many deal breakers for me.
  12. what did she say? couldnt be anything that bad.
  13. no, but youre gonna show us anyways.
  14. idk why but it made me feel better seeing that
  15. you shouldn't cuz you gonna be missing out on some amazing sex
  16. you already are my waify.
  17. did he try to fight people?
  18. i kinda just found the place by "accident"
  19. the last thing i got was arcade sticks for my pc engine.
  20. for you to pay for everything.
  21. sounds like a no brainier to me. unless you really want to go out grocery shopping and not getting $50 back. more time to fap i say.
  22. what is sfm anyways?
  23. i mean how can anything really compare to the christmas of 96 when i got my n64? it's gonna be really hard to top something like that.
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