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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. i didnt even know there were "warriors". learning something new everyday with "the z" O0
  2. stick to the dvd O0
  3. vista? lol you can get any cheapo laptop/touchpad for cheap nowadays. no need to punish yourself like that O0
  4. i know what you meant, still fucking with you ;D but yeah going out with fellow board members on a crazy night could be what you need O0
  5. goes good with everything!
  6. no, you have to get a hard on for cars before you can say that. not just any cars either >
  7. i wasnt thinking about a gay bar but that might work out even better for him. i mean what other places can you go out to socialize like that? i guess you could check out any local events for any sort of congregations they might have.
  8. its after holidays so you might be ok to work there till november.
  9. i dont get how people can give up on fapping? even when sex was good, i still had to fap.
  10. i dont follow college but i hate bama so gg indeed O0
  11. This is how you get top notch O0
  12. get a job at a trendy bar as a bartender O0
  13. thats why girls think they can get away with this shit. you gotta be dicks to them.
  14. idk about that one mochi. all the way down never happens.
  15. point and laugh at everyones small penises O0
  16. Distortedreasoning


    im pretty sure most the country is in bad shape. really bad shape.
  17. i only made 50k 2016 but took home much less after taxes
  18. word up O0
  19. dont completely burn those bridges but definitely be on the lookout for something else.
  20. do you hate your job? or just want a change in scenery?
  21. credit cards arent that bad if you know how to use them O0
  22. thats too meta O0
  23. 5/10 you needed to make this a poll. but other than that, i think you were too nice again O0
  24. being a zombie isnt all that bad O0
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