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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. dude you can stick to your $300 dollar range so easy. intergrated graphics are more than strong enough to run older games very well and shouldnt cost you all that much. you can even get him a laptop at that price range and it would probably be more than enough for him. just a quick amazon search you get this https://www.amazon.com/Acer-E5-575-33BM-15-6-Inch-Processor-Generation/dp/B01K1IO3QW/ref=sr_1_6?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1486469282&sr=1-6&keywords=computer&refinements=p_36%3A25000-35000
  2. cant forget the work of johnny cochran. after that trial, everyone i knew was saying they gonna get a lawyer like johnny cochran.
  3. all i know is that i was pissed off they were airing his chase and trial right in the middle of power rangers and cartoons. but yeah he probably killed his ex. but the court already found him not guilty so it doesnt matter.
  4. Distortedreasoning


    a lot of the early bitcoin miners were losing out on money when it was valued at less than a dollar for several years but gotta give people credit for sticking around for so long. i remember when i got into the game it was going up to like a thousand but didn't stay there long and eventually the value dropped so much i ended up panic selling. lost a bunch of money there. and now it's back up in the $1000 range. but yeah, i never got involved with silk road or anything like that but i did read about it a bit lol
  5. i show up to work every day. but never 3 hours
  6. you only say that cuz you done it before O0 but the rest i can agree with almost everything except for older motherboard and cpu, those things are built to last. everything else is a crapshoot and beware.
  7. Distortedreasoning


    probably best if she doesnt bring here
  8. Distortedreasoning


    tell her i said hi.
  9. at that budget you have to go with a intergrated gpu and cheapest components. or your other choice is to hit ebay/craigslist and buy used. cpus that are from intels 1st gen i7 and up are still decent for gaming and should be going for cheap. same with gpus that are older than 2 years old. i thinks its doable.
  10. but its already cold where you live. besides i dont do good in the cold
  11. blame global warming for that O0
  12. either if he meant it as a sleight or not, lebron took it as one. i cant fault james if he sees the need for improving the roster, gotta remember that the warriors added durant and the cavs need to be ready for him. bringing up barkleys past like that was fine. still i don't think barkley was wrong either. just a different nba than what he was playing with.
  13. nope O0
  14. Distortedreasoning


    living the life my friend . i also haven't been drinking as much either so take one for me O0
  15. Distortedreasoning


    hmm do you have any xl?
  16. Distortedreasoning


    the ones we use to make all the cpus
  17. Distortedreasoning


    cant hear it with all this machinery at work.
  18. too late, my skim reading through everything has screwed me over for the last time
  19. i thought this was going to be a different kind of thread.
  20. i put yes because theres lots of people here i wouldn't wanna see naked. including myself.
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