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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. you don't even like the n64
  2. way better there really wasnt much competition when it came to boobs on the n64. most of the best ones came from fighting games like mk or killer instinct.
  3. im the shadow. i bet im darker than you.
  4. she would also be up there on that system. not much competition outside of a few games
  5. yup, i am building up my game collection and conker was one of the top games i wanted for the system. played it already so yeah mainly just reliving those old days. the game is up there with one of the best looking tittles in the system along with one of the best 3d platformers in a system full of them.
  6. i'll hit you up when i get off from work.
  7. i think i might hit you up, thats a really good price for that game.
  8. yeah cib is comes in box, includes both the box and manual. anyways im more interested in that conkers.
  9. i might be interested in conker. lttp only if it's cib.
  10. yeah the knicks are a total mess. the phil jackson hiring was another step in the wrong direction in a franchise that has been perpetually bad the last 20 years. sadly for you guys, you can fire everyone except the owner. but even bad owners can sometimes make the right moves by luck.
  11. i definitely wasnt thinking all perverted :D
  12. i could go for some melon.
  13. yeah this feels like a zeni thread, what gives naraku?
  14. i thought you werent doing single moms? when did your standards drop?
  15. always start the day with a good breakfast i say
  16. win or lose, gronk would be out there partying right now. that big goof ball is the only thing i like about that dreaded team.
  17. why you type like that? its annoying. also that never happened.
  18. Distortedreasoning


    im pretty sure she might kill you at that point :D
  19. did you take pics?
  20. Distortedreasoning


    isnt there anything you can eat?
  21. not much more to say really. selling shit is about the easiest things you can do to come up with quick cash. you could also look for odd jobs. try hitting up craigslist.
  22. Distortedreasoning


    i could cook you up something if you were here O0
  23. nope. football is a team sport. without all those other great elements around you, brady cant do shit. this was a team that went 3-1 without him. i will never acknowledge him as the goat.
  24. i wouldnt use the words entitled or cry babies here. i would say that the power has just been greatly shifted towards the players the last few years. someone like lebron is able to make moves because he is recognized as the best in the league. it is why you see these big recruiting efforts in the summer for big free agents because teams know they have to make players happy or else they can just bolt and go with the team they like best. usually it takes max money contracts to keep the best talent in the league but lebron is still in a tier above that.
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