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Everything posted by Distortedreasoning

  1. it's what i do when im running on E. and also slapping yourself. gotta bitch slap yourself.
  2. im so glad we dodged that bullet. also glad cj put him in his place http://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2017/1/28/14423464/cj-mccollum-chandler-parsons-twitter-tweets-blazers-grizzlies
  3. roll the windows down, put the music up, and start getting angry at everything. your only hope.
  4. im surprised nature didnt take it.
  5. thats not even close to a zeni quote!
  6. i'll catch you alright
  7. that was gonna be my offer too >
  8. my fridge is always stocked with food O0
  9. Distortedreasoning


    i dont know what going on.
  10. haven't seen anyone getting ban. the mods are too lenient.
  11. hey its banana girl :D
  12. it works for me. no shame.
  13. around 9am-11am to 5-pm
  14. just a quick love you too, takes less than 3 seconds to say. not sure how it's such a big deal is. be happy you got someone that cares enough to tell you those words.
  15. too many to list but i talked to polexia the most on the old boards.
  16. Distortedreasoning


    yes O0
  17. im just surprised we didnt give up at any point in time >
  18. its still alive!
  19. me too. doing work stuff O0
  20. Distortedreasoning


    i do miss the eternal sunshine.
  21. agreed, how are we supposed to be all scientific without pics?
  22. nice! ball is in your court O0
  23. you know i'll just eat it before it gets to you >
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